A sick prank? A little game? Or a test from Mother. Which exactly was it now? It was curiosity that killed the cat.. but coming from a being known as unkillable, as the one true god of and ruler of earth.. surely he can afford to be curious. The old but surely not dead hero didn't care about how he got here. The exact details or why he was brought here were all irrelavant. He was never exactly the type to break his calm composure so easily. It was he who chose whether or not to 'feel', the ruthless and vengeful [color=ed1c24]Sephiroth[/color] called the shots. Nobody, and nothing else. [h1][color=9e0b0f][u]One-Winged Angel - Sephiroth.[/u][/color][/h1] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/741490537403645975/909196987532972112/IMG_7240.png?width=660&height=452[/img] For a man in a situation like this, he was far too calm. Nothing disturbed him, nothing would. And yet his eyes were filled with a certain bloodthirst.. despite not speaking, he gave off the attitude and general vibe of somebody who would massacre your entire family, and make you watch him do it. To put it simply, he was not a man you would like, or want, to mess with. A very Angel of Death, taken human form.