[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5309379]Voss' CS[/url] (Reaction Images Coming Soon) Voss was floating down the Chicago River late one night in a small, ramshackle rowboat he constructed himself. The events of his latest adventure had left him tired, angry, and most importantly of all, ashamed. But he finally managed to flee to safety and was now making his way toward the Great Lakes. He likely wasn't going to find a way home there, but that was fine by him. He had given up hope a long time ago. His biggest priority now was finding solitude and away from the endless source of trouble Chicago had given him. The last thing he remembered was when the sea captain was nearing the city limits. At that point, Voss felt a sharp pain at the back of his neck and swatted at it. He believed some kind of bug just bit him, and he continued along his merry way until a short distance later when the sensation of pain suddenly became debilitating. Almost as soon as he was afflicted, the pain migrated to his head and gave him an agonizing migraine. His thought process became slowed and his peripheral vision became dark. The ex-Phantom attempted to move toward the gunwale of the boat with whatever energy he had left in case he were to get sick, but halfway there, his elbows gave out, and he hit his chin on the side of the boat as he collapsed. He rolled onto his back where he could face the stars. The numbing pain swiftly moved down the rest of his body, until his whole body was left paralyzed in a matter of minutes. Before he knew it, a buzzing blared in his ears before he inevitably fell unconscious... [hr] When Voss awoke, he was greeted by the barren grey ceiling above him. He hadn't even begun to look around, and yet he could faintly hear the confused mutterings of others around him as his hearing returned. He knew precisely what that could mean, and he prayed to every single god that could be out there that it wasn't the case. He shakily lifted his upper torso up with an arm behind him, and the other rubbing his chin which - at least from what he can feel - had a small gash. The pain soon began to radiate again as he came to. Voss hesitantly opened one of his eyes while he tended to his jaw. Unfortunately for him, his fears came true: the wide variety of the guests in the room suggested he was in another one of those "multiverse hell" situations. Upon spotting the dull woman in the room, the sea captain could help but mutter to himself as he tried to gently lay himself on his back again. [color=purple]"... Oh, feck me- AHK!!"[/color] His still weakened muscles gave out on him again, and he fell onto his back hard, hitting the back of his head in the process. Of course, he was fine that time, but it was enough to keep Voss down a little longer as his old body gradually recovered from his ordeal. Even with the whole scene the biker-looking man caused, Voss chose to remain on his back to take a breather. Best to stay that way. [@Thatguyinastore] (Open for Interaction) [/center]