[center][h1][color=darkgreen][b]The Doom Slayer[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [center][color=darkgreen]Location - [i]Some place that isn't hell[/i] Mood - [i]...Daisy’s ok.[/i] Status - [i]...[/i][/color] [/center] [hr] I maintained my glare as the man who dared threatened Daisy rose from his kneeling position. He cracked his neck and I revved my chainsaw once more, ready for a fight. However, instead of launching a punch, he instead walked away whilst giving me a cocky grin. I slammed off my chainsaw at that. No need to waste fuel if there wasn’t going to be a fight. Besides, he wasn’t a demon and thus held no value to me. However, the blonde man did issue a challenge… “Calm down, killer. We’ll dance later after I break us out of here-” There was only one appropriate response to that. I pulled back one hand and with all of my might thrusted out to give… [img]https://c.tenor.com/ygrlJY07FTwAAAAC/doom-taunts.gif[/img] It was a promise that we’ll have a dance competition after we get out. I didn’t wait for the guy’s reaction, however, opting to instead scoop up the still heaving Daisy into my arms and cradled her against my chest. Her eyes were still wide with what I can only presume to be flashbacks to her death. It pained me that I couldn't do anything beyond give comfort. Yeah, the blonde man did seem to cause it, but how was he supposed to know? Besides, if anything, it allowed me to learn that letting others pet Daisy was perhaps not the best of ideas. [@Chung]