[center][color=f26522][b]"You're fine, kid,"[/b][/color] Joel responded to Lilith as he made his way to the door, stepping over the Hatter as he did so. Shantae seemed to have things covered from there, anyways. So while she made her way over to Lilith, Joel made his way made his move to open the door. His hand wrapped around the knob and he pulled.... And the door didn't budge. [color=f26522][b]"Sh-shit!"[/b][/color] Joel grunted angrily as he tried his best to get the damn door open. But no matter how hard he tried, it wouldn't budge. Within time, the man had given up, and turned to the rest with a dejected sigh. [color=f26522][b]"You guys wouldn't happen to have any weird... door-related powers you could use right about now, would you?"[/b][/color] [@Second2Last] [@Attesa] [@Jeff Jones] [@Crow] [@KageBaka] [@Midle1998] [@TheElenaFisher] [@darkred] [@davefromdiscord] [@Paper94] [@Starmaker] [/center]