[b]Floyd - The Lone Ranger - Lynn/Jess/Tom/Doc/and Emma?[/b] Finally the train tracks grew visible after what seemed to be an endless jog. Lynn raced down the blooming grass and tackled her beloved teenage friend, grasping her entire persona in her arms. The boy and the doctor remained in the background as the entire reunion took place, but there was no time to pause in joyous rejoice. The wind was calm and breezy giving off enough cold air to satisfy, but not too much or too little to irritate. It was silent, the moans that had followed them for long distances had came to a halt. It was obvious though, that sooner or later, they would either hear more moans, or the roars of automatic weapons. Without further ado, Lynn solicited for Floyd's aid. He wanted him to get her friend out of tracks, going who knows where. Currently there was nothing east, nor west - nothing but more endless tracks of course. But if they followed it, they would eventually reach something. Floyd hesitated to respond though; he had already done so much for these people and owed them nothin' more. "How do [i]you[/i] plan to get out of here?" he questioned Lynn. Did they have a form of transportation, or was she just concerned about her friend. "Tsch.............Fine!" Floyd called out, almost seemingly annoyed. He walked passed the pregnant girl and started walking eastward. "C'mon girl, we ain't got all day. It'll get dark soon" he said, hopping on the bike he had abandoned a couple hours ago. "Hop on kid, we best goin' now." He looked back to Lynn. "We'll most likely be headed to the next town, if any. Its dawn, so we'll have no choice but to camp out in the forest for the night. You best find us, cuz I ain't takin' care of her foreva' ya' hear?!" With a kick, the bike miraculously started. Just as expected, it just needed a tune up. The machines motor roared like a furious bear prepared to strike its prey. Suddenly, out of the midst of soars, another small girl popped from the outskirts of the city. From afar she looked like a walker, but Lynn suddenly announced she was alive. Floyd didn't think much of the girl since he didn't really have ties with any of these people. The only reason he's taking Jessalyn is because he was promised a favor in return. But now the problem began. Was he going to be asked to also take this girl with him? Or was Jessalyn all that mattered to Lynn? All this wasted time deciding what to do was giving walkers time to catch up. "So what's it gonna be powered perm? How do you plan to catch up to us?" he questioned, still not sure he was getting the good side of the deal. What if they couldn't catch up to him, would he be stuck with the child bearer and her burdens. Once again he was fighting his conscious, reality vs innocence.