[IMG]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/033/c/7/brass_witch_by_vetrova-d4oejhd.jpg[/IMG] El'Verette walked the dark halls of castle Modong high in the Black tooth mountains. She'd been summoned by her Master the nameless one to attend his orders. When she entered his scrying chamber she saw the reason for his foul mood. Before him the pit yawned open as smoke wavered at it's edges and centered within it's view was the present form of Prince Hal'Lesveni. "Idris!" She said to herself calling on her dark goddess. [B]"Silence!"[/B] shouts the namless one his eyes glittering with anger [B]"Attend my command El'Verette, you will fetch the woman here and bring her before us unharmed or your punishment shall become legend"[/B] he says in his hissing voice as he centers the image on a captured Elven woman. "Could she be another cyclic one?" Wonders El'Verette before bowing to the nameless one and leaving his presence. --------------------- BOSK [B]I am a man of many talents and of great appetites[/B] Bosk says answering Aethelred as a nymph places a plate before him along with a chilled tankard of Mead