[b]Aleck Making a run for the Church[/b] Aleck was quick, though he took the long way around to avoid being spotted he was quick enough to get around the buildings on the other side of the store in time to see the girl limping out, she looked like she had a goal in mind. Had he trusted too much? Would she put him in danger and consequently put his sister in danger? Should he take her out right now and avoid having to track her down later? The pack! It occurred to him far too late that he had left so many precious things within! He was stunned, Aleck was a master planner, there wasn't an instance he wasn't prepared for but the girl had brought down his guard and now he could be potentially be paying for that. He decided to forgo killing the girl. The guns were more important. Making a mad dash for the church he avoided being stealthy, using his weight and strength he either pushed the zombies that got in his way down or lopped off heads. Within seconds he was at the front of the church stripping corpses of surface loot, he didn't take the time to search them properly. He found the raiders to be practically standardized in their ammo and weapons, they must have looted a police station since most of their guns are a single standard size and caliber per category. The raiders had been looted before Aleck had arrived so he managed four revolvers with about three dozen rounds, a rifle with three clips and a fourth that was already in it, as well as a shotgun, though he didn't find any shells for it and it was probably empty so he left that. He retreated with his loot running back the way he had come. By the time he reached the north-most point that allowed him to see in the direction the girl had headed he could see her in the distance with other survivors, maybe the girl hadn't betrayed him and was doing that thing that girls do and went looking for more people risking life and limb. It was the greatest reason why he kept his sister back in the Haven, he didn't want her finding other survivors and forcing him to cooperate with them whether they could be trusted or not. He kept himself at just the right angle as he ran towards the store so that the store would be between him and the group blocking their view of him. Once there he quickly took apart the rifle removing stock and clip so that it would fit in the pack and replaced his pythons with the two police revolvers, he didn't care if he wasted those rounds, the magnum rounds were rarer, police nines not so much. Though completely out of breath he put on his heavy coat, it was layered with leather and thin steel plating to prevent him from being stabbed among other things easily. He loaded a third revolver and put it in his pocket, it was small enough to fit and the sleeves were long enough to cover both his hand and the gun as he kept a grip on it as he walked. With the heavy pack further burdened with new loot he walked outside and started making his slow approach towards the group, he didn't pick up his pace so that the hand-in-the-pocket thing wouldn't seem out of place and so that he could regain his breath.