[quote=@Moon Man] Gotcha, how about some of the more less desirable races like the Vorcha or Yahg (Like the shadow broker)? [/quote] Hmm, maybe, if there's a strong reason for the Council to choose them to be on the SSV-Intervention then there's a [i]very[/i] slight chance one could end up on it. What I'd say is that the Security Fleet would mostly be open to most council and ambassador based Citadel races that are fit for service. Volus I'll probably allow, but otherwise suspect the usual headliners (Krogan, Human, Salarian, Turian, Asari, Quarian) + batarians + drell. Those outside basically I'd like to introduce overtime, start simple with that "formal setting" for story purposes and have the wider galaxy open up as they head out. Keep in mind the galactic connectivity has only recently reached appropriate levels. Hoping the wild stuff will come after things have been established so we don't blow our fuses on the more crazy aspects in one go haha Sorry if it seems like I'm shutting down ideas though : (