Instead of backing off like any sane person would do, Hayato grabbed her hand. She wasn't stupid enough to think any good could come from that. All Kami knew was that this man couldn't be her sensei. She wasn't accept the torture of being his student. Like some young genin who was easily manipulate and had a mind to mend get Hayato. Obviously, the man didn't seem to realize the difference between a young genin who hadn't been apart of the war efforts an a chuunin that had been in the middle of it. She had been on the sidelines, but she had watched. Watched alongside her mother until someone else was brought to them. They hadn't been able to save all of them. Kami could still perfectly visual her mother's hands covered with her father's blood. That had broken her mother and Kami... Well, Kami couldn't afford to break. She had to keep going, keep encouraging her mother that she was interested in medical ninjustu. Kami couldn't have a career out in the battle field; she couldn't do that to her mother. [b]Snap.[/b] Kami winced, immediately relaxing her hand. If she tensed her hand up, it'd only hurt worse. She needed to be still until Hayato released her. Besides, this would be over eventually and Kami would march up to Hosuka and chuck her ninja headband at him if she had to. Kami didn't need to be a ninja. She could simply continue learning from her mother. Eventually Kami would be a doctor. She didn't have to go with Hayato. If Hayato though she'd humor him by screaming, he was delusion. "A book?" Kami asked, forcing out a laugh. Her eyes were watering but that tended to happen when a finger was broken. She wouldn't cry or scream. That would mean Hayato had won. "A book would tell me you were dealing with an overactive id or your ego is not working probably to balance out the id and superego. Or, maybe, another book would tell me you were dealing with PTSD." Kami explained matter-of-factly. She would probably regret it but Kami wasn't going to let this man get away with bullying her. "But me, I just think you're an asshole. Probably something," Kami pointed with her free hand to Hayato's head. "Up there isn't working right. As a book would tell me, your superego isn't doing a very good job of providing you with guilt." Hayato could break her whole hand if he wanted. Kami wouldn't even be useful to him until she was healed. Even her taijustu would be off. Except, her importance to him no longer mattered to Kami. Hosuka was going to face a really ticked off Kami. And Kami was her mother's child; it wouldn't be pleasant. "What makes me tick?" She couldn't help it, she busted out laughing. "You came here and instead of simply introducing yourself nicely, you attacked the children I was healing." This is what had set Kami off. She wouldn't even had gone on this tangent without that event. "Those children were in my care. It's my job to make sure they were healed." Kami paused. This man wasn't going to understand. No matter how much she tried to explain, she was pretty sure she was going to have to start counting on her toes. "It's also my job to make them feel safe. They were injured and scared. The whole Division B was wiped out!" Okay so now Kami was raising her voice. But she couldn't help it. "They were already scared. They're new and young. They're afraid of enemy ninja." She looked down at the blood rushing for her finger. Her mother was going to be so angry. "But, because of you, they'e now going to be afraid of their [i]allies[/i]." Without trust, there wasn't even a point to creating a new generation of ninja. They were all going to be frightened and paranoid. Did Hayato not understand this? "Bad things happen when people are paranoid. Especially when those people are so young and have weapons." Even Kami wasn't old enough to have the decision processing part of her brain fully developed. These children... Paranoia was a plague. Kami hoped it wouldn't spread to far. [b]Snap.[/b] Another finger. [i]Pain is fleeting.[/i] But Kami would never forget and she'd definitely never forgive. Once released, she was going to file the biggest complaint.