[quote=@Richard Horthy] So are you gonna even give advice on how to fix it or are you just gonna throw a bitchfit for someone trying to have fun Bc if that's what I signed on for the i'm just gonna dip [/quote] Edit: After some review, I was a bit too snippy and curt and I apologize for that, as well as being too impatient to provide advice. Nevertheless, I still stand by the belief that the entire alternate history of Japan, as posited in that nation sheet, is a bit too impossible and that any female peasant leader or peasant-led rebellion in Japan at that time would have been crushed brutally after some months, maybe a year if they're lucky. Edit 2: And if one brings up Joan of Arc, she was propping up an existing regime, not overthrowing it, her message was useful for those in power, not anathema to them, and she found supporters among the elite early on. Edit 3: And why would the European Powers help Japan's new regime without concessions? Commodore Perry's voyage to Japan was to [i]get[/i] concessions. Like it or not, a new regime in Japan with dubious legitimacy (as even if true, the 'New Shogun's' claims still sound absurd) would be shaky and the West would profit more from trying to overthrow it than helping it become a power which would eventually rival them. Add that to the fact that Emperor Komei (I did do some research on him) was very Anti-Foreigner and a traditionalist to boot, and he'd have given full support to the 'Old Shogunate' against Kimiko's rebellion. He may even have tried to take over and restore Imperial Authority earlier if the Old Shogunate appeared to be losing, and his overwhelming legitimacy would have gotten the people on his side, especially if he promised lower taxes to the peasants as well.