[@Lady Lascivious], [@Pagemaster], [@Richard Horthy], [@Wernher]: I'm sorry for mistrusting you guys and assuming the worst about you, while at the same time, I was presuming that you assumed the worst about me. I am also sorry if I gave the impression that this was a low-plausibility Nation Roleplay when I never intended for that and genuinely thought that my own Point of Divergence worked. Please forgive me for my tone, phrasing, and rudeness, as well as the unintentional double standard set by the RP and Nation premise. I ask for your forgiveness, as well as to listen to me when I say that I never intended to godmode or turn Egypt into anything more than a regional power in this universe. Either way, I'll be trying for either a more plausible PoD in the future or an outright fantasy or sci-fi premise, assuming that this RP really is low-plausibility...