With the initial recovery period over, Infactorium was buzzing with activity, and no place 'buzzed' more that Hivehill. The denizens of Hivehill were, after all, responsible for tunnels in which Infactorium's new mining operation took place. Faetalis' wrath upon returning from her scouting mission had not passed unnoticed, and without questioning her, Gammaton quietly shifted Hivehill's unit production from labor to military. It may have been an unnecessary, perhaps even incorrect, prediction, but Gammaton was a decorated general, and had a pretty accurate hunch when her leaders wanted to mobilize. So it came as no surprise that about a week later, an emergency meeting was called. In her current, larval state, Gammaton picked her way through the halls like a spider until she arrived at the meeting room. Guessing the purpose of the meeting, Gammaton had brought her two special items: her bludgeon, which looked like a giant tuning fork, and her feathered fan, to show that she was ready. [color=a187be]"What would you have of me, Lady Faetalis?"[/color] Gammaton greeted, bowing as much as her grub-like body would allow.