[@Dark Light] Hmmmm ... I kinda like the idea of putting him in a command role xD I would wanna know how the others feel tho [@Martian]Yaaay ... funny u should say Canucks xD Ye, of course, questions are welcome! Imunna say its like ... 2320, so we're far enough into the future to have tech but not so far out that like ... human civilization is all weird and unrecognizable. Other tech has advanced at a similar rate, I would accept cybernetics considering the kinds of things that exist today, and same with genetic manipulation. I hadn't actually thought of genetic stuff but i could see it being integrated into the prep for the mission, giving candidates the best chance of survival in such a different environment. For general tech tho, imagine if like ... everything ppl were working on NOW was perfected and even getting to the next lvl ... if that makes any sense.