[i][b]"H-Hey Ela, wait up!"[/b][/i] The small fairy cried out as her owner ascended the stairs at a rapid pace, the fairy flew as quickly as she could, her little wings fluttering rapidly to keep up, and even then she was falling behind. She managed to grab hold of one of Elaine's silver locks of hair, and held on for dear life as she scrambled up to her shoulder as she sprinted up the stairs with ease. She didn't even bother with the escalators as they became available along the way, they were overcrowded with tired people, and she wasn't even out of breath yet after the first 20 floors, she was only really tired after having sprinting the rest of the way. Curgau clung to her shoulder, eyes still somewhat spinning from all the sharp turns Elaine had taken on the way. She stammered out: [i][b]"N-Next time Ela, we take the escalators, okay?"[/b][/i] Elaine smiled a bit as she scooped the fairy off her shoulder, still lightly clinging to her long silver hair, her wings drooping from fatigue, she felt a little bad that she'd worn her out like that, so she started stroking the back of the tiny fairy's head, with two of her fingers before saying:[b] "Sorry about that, I was just really excited; I usually don't have an excuse to run up stairs like that. Listen, next time, how about I jog instead?"[/b] She pulled a small plastic bag from her pack and broke off a small piece of something small and brown and offered it to the small fairy in her left palm. Curgau's eyes lit up as the piece was presented to her, and she nibbled away madly at the piece of chocolate that was roughly the same person-to-chocolate ratio an average bar would be to a human. She smiled happily after devouring the piece in seconds and nodded to Elaine, saying: [b][i]"Oh...fine, Just so long as you give me a warning before you pick up the pace! I was afraid I was gonna lose you somewhere Ela!"[/b][/i] She tried to sound grumpy about it, but she couldn't stay mad for long, Curgau was too nice for that. Elaine continued to smile as she placed the small fairy back onto her left shoulder and overheard the scientist lady greeted them, she seemed pleasant enough, the tour was interesting too, a lot of stars and afar away planetoids she'd never even heard of, they all seemed so pretty, shame she'd never get to go to any of them in her life time though. She eyed some exhibit out of the corner of her eye that seemed ignored, it wasn't even really mentioned in the tour, but it seemed interesting nonetheless. Elaine could have sworn she heard the scientist lady mutter something, but she wasn't sure if it was even relevant, and chose not to question it. She hardly payed attention to the lead instructor as usual, only really catching the part about the buddy system, realizing that she needed a buddy to go look at the exhibits, she looked around for any familiar faces. She saw a few, but it seemed they'd already gotten partners. Scanning around yet again, she looked for somebody to buddy up with.