[quote=@genghismike] [@Gunther] sounds painful. Seems like that would make self pleasure a hard experience. [/quote] Fortunately, it was the left wrist...also, I am married, and that form of pleasure is not necessary. ;) [quote=@Noxious] Gunther, you are definitely an old face I still remember. I think we met through HeySeuss. You always liked history and war games a bit more than I did, but our interests aligned from time to time. I am glad to see you have stuck around. Hope you’re doing well.[/quote] Hello, old Friend! Yes, I am old too. But I was old 8 years ago too. IF I were a betting man, I'd wager, I am older than at least 90% of the people on this site. Maybe even more than that. Most are surprised I engage in this hobby. Also the war gaming. I joined a clan a year ago and the membership were very surprised. "Why did you all of a sudden decide to play war games?" They don't realize I've been playing war games for well over 40 years. LOL I had to wait for technology to catch up to my passion.