[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/GH6gV0I.png?1[/img][/center] [hr] [hr][h3]Five Gods. Five Magics. Five Thrones.[/h3] [color=ffd700]From the sparkling cities of the Ensollian basin with their spires and minarets that soar into the burning sun, to the vast golden fields of Crisia and Perrence glistening with morning dew and the promise of bountiful harvests, to the proud stone keeps and snowcapped peaks of Eskand in the South, the land of Constantia is one of balance, peace, and time-honoured virtue, bound together by magics gifted to the Firstborn by the Gods themselves. Honest lords and just kings preside over a loyal, beloved, and industrious populace. All is well.[/color] [color=ff8c00]Except that it isn’t. Following the collapse of the Avincian Empire a thousand years ago at the hands of howling Eskandish hordes, no single entity has been able to unify the disparate peoples of the continent. Petty nobles, conquerors, and greedy kings have fought for the scraps, ruthlessly exploiting the common people and squeezing everything that they can from the land itself. Under their rule, Constantia has bled.[/color] [color=ff0000]Their grip on power has been maintained through the stranglehold they have over magic. It has been regulated, controlled, studied and, most importantly, monopolized. The ability to use it manifests in arcane and unpredictable ways, but first and foremost, it’s in your blood. If your ancestors used magic, it is likely that you will be able to use it too. If they didn’t, then your chances are slim.[/color] [color=BA55D3]Yet, the march of social progress necessarily follows that of technological. As Constantian culture, learning, and religion have spread across the globe on the sails of caravels and galleons and a wealthy new class of merchants and artisans has emerged, there have been stirrings. Potent new paths to power and prosperity have revealed themselves, and those of common blood have increasingly bought their way into the use of magic by ‘marrying up’. With or without the approval of those in charge of it, the world is changing. Some people warn that the gods are stirring. Others dare whisper that the gods are not real.[/color] [color=1e90ff]Into this potent mix of burgeoning opportunity and lurking peril steps you: a first-year student at the Ersand'Enise Academy of Thaumaturgy. As a member of the storied establishment's newest cohort, you bring your hopes, your fears, your background, and considerable power in 'The Gift' with you. It is said that your group, aged fourteen to eighteen and born during the double ascendance of Shune the Learner, is the strongest in a century. That strength will be needed. Representatives from the world's great nations will be gathering at Ersand'Enise mere weeks after your arrival for the Conclave of the Five Thrones, and tensions are high.[/color] [color=00ff00]This time, however, the delegates will need to be protected not only from each other's political machinations but from three new and novel threats. Over the past handful of years, aberrations have begun appearing in increasing numbers and this pattern seems unlikely to reverse of its own accord. Holes in the fabric of reality - shapes of man, beast, and object alike formed of the purest blackness - coming into contact with them can empower the magic of those skilled in The Gift at the cost of addiction. However, it can also drive those not as blessed to insanity or even death. For reasons unknown, but perhaps related, the mysterious yasoi have turned precipitously away from human society. The only other sentient species on the planet, they have been shy friends and unconventional allies for most of history, but the past few decades have seen them become fiercely insular and even hostile. There is talk of them closing the mountain passes that sustain trade and travel for much of the Western half of the continent. Into this scene steps the Traveler: a shadowy but charismatic figure who has been harnessing the power of the aberrations and stirring up class conflict. He preaches a revolutionary message to the common people that threatens war at a pivotal moment. It is clear that he seeks to tear down the existing order, but what he intends to replace it with is as yet unknown.[/color] Of course, you, dear young student, have nothing to worry about. Heads older and wiser than yours have matters firmly in hand. Still... it pays to be vigilant, doesn't it? [hr] [hr] [hider=Five Gods] [h1]The Pentad of the Quentic Faith[/h1][h3]Ipte. Shune. Oraff. Eshiran. Dami.[/h3] Lover, Learner, Creator, Destroyer, Judge: All magics and all of creation pay homage to The Pentad who brought them into being. Their existence is beyond human understanding, their ways both arcane and divine, and their gifts the foundations of life itself. May their will be done now and forever. [hr][h3]Ipte: The Lover[/h3] Ipte is known as The Lover and occupies the first position in the sign of the Pentad. One places their right hand beneath their left shoulder when making the sign. Like their four fellow Gods, Ipte possesses a female aspect - Ahn-Ipte, the Queen of Beauty - and a male aspect - Ipte-Zept, the Lord of Love. The two aspects' legendary artifacts are the Rose and the Lyre, respectively, and the deity is associated with the element of Air, the Magnetic school of magic, and the year's first season of Hundri, in the depths of winter. The blessing of Ipte, oft delivered by Hundrian monks and nuns, is "Ipte enchant you." [hr][h3]Shune: The Learner[/h3] Shune is known as The Learner and occupies the second position in the sign of the Pentad. One places their left hand beneath their right shoulder when making the sign. Like their four fellow Gods, Shune possesses a female aspect - Ahn-Shune, the Keeper of Knowledge - and a male aspect - Shune-Zept, the Seeker of Knowledge. The two aspects' legendary artifacts are the Record Book and the Lantern, respectively, and the deity is associated with the element of Lightning, the Arcane school of magic, and the year's second season of Stresia, when the spring bloom begins. The blessing of Shune, oft delivered by Stresian monks and nuns, is "Shune enlighten you." [hr][h3]Oraff: The Creator[/h3] Oraff is known as The Creator and occupies the third position in the sign of the Pentad. One places their left hand upon their right hip when making the sign. Like their four fellow Gods, Oraff possesses a female aspect - Ahn-Oraff, the Giver of Life - and a male aspect - Oraff-Zept, the Preserver of Life. The two aspects' legendary artifacts are the Tree of Life and the Ambrosia, respectively, and the deity is associated with the element of Water, the Binding school of magic, and the year's third season of Dorrad, in the hottest months. The blessing of Oraff, oft delivered by Dordian monks and nuns, is "Oraff keep you." [hr][h3]Eshiran: The Destroyer[/h3] Eshiran is known as The Destroyer and occupies the fourth position in the sign of the Pentad. One places their right hand upon their left hip when making the sign. Like their four fellow Gods, Eshiran possesses a female aspect - Ahn-Eshiran, the Hand of Death - and a male aspect - Eshiran-Zept, the Bringer of War. The two aspects' legendary artifacts are the Skull and the Sword, respectively, and the deity is associated with the element of Fire, the Chemical school of magic, and the year's fourth season of Rezain, when the harvest takes place. The blessing of Eshiran, oft delivered by Rezaindian monks and nuns, is "Eshiran spare you" or, in some cases, "Eshiran empower you." [hr][h3]Dami: The Judge[/h3] Dami is known as The Judge and occupies the fifth and final position in the sign of the Pentad. One retracts their hands from the hips and presses their palms together in a sign of reverence below their chest. Like their four fellow Gods, Dami possesses a female aspect - Ahn-Dami, the Giver of Choice - and a male aspect - Dami-Zept, the Arbiter of Justice. The two aspects' legendary artifacts are the Scale and the Hammer, respectively, and the deity is associated with the element of Earth, the Kinetic school of magic, and the year's fifth and final season of Somnes, when the harvest is over and cold rains coat the land. The blessing of Dami, oft delivered by Somnian monks and nuns, is "Dami guide you."[/hider] [hider=Five Magics] [h1]The Gift[/h1][h3]Magnetic. Arcane. Binding. Chemical. Kinetic.[/h3] Magic is a blessing of the Gods and so is called, respectfully, The Gift. Yet, it does not come from nowhere. Before any spells can be cast, no matter how trivial, all magical power must be drawn from sources of energy abundant in the world. The five great schools of magic - Magnetic, Arcane, Binding, Chemical, and Kinetic, draw from the heat, light, metabolic, kinetic, potential, and electric energies of one's surroundings. Those skilled in The Gift may then convert one type of energy into another within themselves. You might draw heat from a raging fire, but that does not mean that you need to cast a fireball. If you can afford an extra few seconds, then you might decide on Arc Lightning from the Magnetic school or a telekinetic shove. Spells from all five canonical schools are made viable through the blessed act of conversion. However, there have long been rumours of other - forbidden - magics: Blood, Atomic, Temporal, and Dark Magics that promise far greater power if used as well as far greater consequences... [hr][center][h2][color=FFD700]Magnetic Magic[/color][/h2][/center][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/yTYDMdf.png?1[/img][/center][list][*][b]Drawing:[/b] Magnetic magic draws its energy from the polarity of atoms and molecules, using their tendencies to attract and repel each other to build powerful charges. [*][b]Offense:[/b] While magnetic mages have a reputation for being defensive counterpunchers, they are more than capable of mounting independent (and often terrifying) offense of their own. They rely on creating charges and polarizations first and then capitalizing on those. [*][b]Defense:[/b] With Magnetic mages, the line between offense and defense is often blurred, as they tend to be masters of subtle and sneaky techniques that cause their opponents to destroy themselves or set them up to be countered mercilessly. [*][b]Utility:[/b] Magnetic mages tend not to directly favour utility spells, most of their repertoires being multifunctional. However, their ability to set up their environments, manipulate electric currents, and move charged objects using magnetism can be helpful.[/list] [hr][center][h2][color=FF8C00]Arcane Magic[/color][/h2][/center][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/E3KzPNz.png?1[/img][/center][list][*][b]Drawing:[/b] Arcane magic uses the radiative energy of heat (thermal) and light as a power source. As a result, it has a virtually limitless (and potentially overwhelming) supply of power during the day and in warmer places and considerably less at night and in colder places. [*]Casts from this school focus on using heat and light in a multitude of different ways. Partially as a result, Arcane is easily the most balanced school in terms of offensive, defensive, and utility spells, boasting impressive flexibility that enables adherents to take either subtle or aggressive approaches. This, combined with the sheer abundance and ready availability of heat and light energy makes Arcane the preferred school for mages than any other. [*][b]Offense:[/b] In terms of offense, arcane magic users can focus the powers of heat and light to burn and blind. Intensely focused beams of light and heat can cut and burn holes in solid objects, while fire can spread rapidly and offensive draws can cause targets to freeze to death. [*][b]Defense:[/b] Defensively, arcane magic can warp and bend the visible light spectrum to allow a user to disappear from sight and can manipulate temperatures and the surrounding environment to negate incoming attacks. [*][b]Utility:[/b] In terms of utility, arcanists can create powerful illusions, as well as provide light and heat. Especially intense heat can cauterize wounds.[/list] [hr][center][h2][color=FF0000]Binding Magic[/color][/h2][/center][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/myZqQXV.png?1[/img][/center][list][*][b]Drawing:[/b] Binding magic is unique in that it is primarily a casting school. Drawing is rarely undertaken as it involves not the repurposing of energy but the repurposing of matter by destroying it and using its potential energy. In some cases, this can be used to remove foreign objects from the body and treat patients or to prevent harm. However, the 'blood price' of turning matter into energy is not a reputable form of magic and is strongly discouraged outside of healing utility. [*][b]Difficulty:[/b] A Binding mage must be highly skilled in the art of drawing, so as not to inflict any harm while removing unwanted matter. She also needs to possess a thorough understanding of the human body and be skilled in the art of converting, for when other -less dangerous - sources of energy are required. Due to the abundance of sources and the horrifying destructive potential of Binding magic if misused, it is only taught at the most prestigious of academies and only to students who pass a rigorous set of tests designed to gauge their intellectual and moral fortitude. [*][b]Offense:[/b] Binding Magic is not used for offense. [*][b]Defense:[/b] The ability to covert matter into usable energy, and vise versa, makes Binding a massively powerful school of magic on the defensive side of the ledger. Binding practitioners can destroy enemy projectiles, heal wounds from trivial to fatal, invigorate allies, and materialize barriers for protection. [*][b]Utility:[/b] There is significant overlap between defense and utility when going the Binding route, but this school of magic remains a powerhouse. The ability to create passages for allies and obstacles for enemies is of considerable use. One may also materialize simple, useful devices. Exceptionally skilled Binders may even 'seal' simple spells by creating items that, when drawn from, release the necessary energy and type of energy for the spell.[/list] [hr][center][h2][color=BA55D3]Chemical Magic[/color][/h2][/center][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NIu4EtU.png?1[/img][/center][list][*][b]Drawing:[/b] Chemical magic uses the power of chemical reactions as a source. It can use smaller reactions to trigger larger reactions, amplifying the power of the initial spell exponentially and creating a power loop to draw more from. Be careful, though! These can quickly spiral out of control. [*][b]Offense:[/b] Chemical mages are known for their terrifying array of offensive skills, and these come in two primary varieties: External and Internal. The former focuses on manipulating and often chemically altering the environment to generate powerful reactions in the form of combustion, explosions, and corrosives, which can be further perpetuated for cataclysmic results. The latter focuses on manipulating the biochemical properties of a living target’s body to injure, incapacitate, dominate, or destroy it. [*][b]Defense:[/b] While they are offensive powerhouses, Chemical mages are markedly weaker on defense, relying predominantly on their ability to keep opponents on the back foot and, at higher skill levels, to deceive and dominate them mentally. [*][b]Utility:[/b] In terms of utility, Chemical mages possess a plethora of skills beneficial to both themselves and allies, from minor casts augmenting moods and abilities, to transmutation, to powerful healing and even quasi-resurrection spells.[/list] [hr][center][h2][color=1E90FF]Kinetic Magic[/color][/h2][/center][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uJJrSK1.png?1[/img][/center][list][*][b]Drawing:[/b] Kinetic Magic uses the power of kinetic energy as a source, meaning that the simple act of anything with mass in motion can power it. It also interacts with less obvious forms of motion and energy, such as sound waves and gravity. [*][b]Offense:[/b] There are three distinct approaches to kinetic offense. The first seeks to manipulate motion and sound within the environment to use it against the target. The second focuses on offensive drawing and manipulating the target itself. The third approach uses the kinetic energy of the environment to turn the caster’s body into a powerful weapon. [*][b]Defense:[/b] Defensively, Kinetic magic’s telekinesis can allow its caster to throw objects into the path of attacks to act as shield instead of using them as offense. Additionally, the manipulation of sound is a subtle but powerful tool. [*][b]Utility:[/b] In terms of utility, the telekinetic abilities of the kinetic school are front and center, though their multifunctional nature makes them potent offensive and defensive tools as well. Kinetic spells can also augment their caster’s movements and help him to levitate, making him a very elusive target.[/list] [hr][center][h2]Other Magics[/h2][/center][center][h3][color=00FF00]Atomic Magic[/color][/h3][/center][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/48t2JT5.png?1[/img][/center] Long treated as a sub-school of Arcane and known as 'Deep Arcane', most senior practitioners of The Gift have now come to recognize Atomic Magic as a school in its own right. To draw from this incredibly powerful but near-impossible to master source, one must split or join the very smallest particles of matter imaginable, using the immense power generated to cast spells. The only reason that Atomic Magic has not received official recognition is due to the primacy of Five. There is no God within the Pentad to represent this unofficial school. [hr][center][h3][color=FF0000]Blood Magic[/color][/h3][/center][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/myZqQXV.png?1[/img][/center] Blood Magic is simply 'Binding Magic' unbound. Due to its immense destructive potential, extreme ease of use, and the spectre of sealed spells being sold to those not versed in the Gift (thereby breaking the noble classes' stranglehold on magic), the school that should be known as Blood Magic and that should be a foundational school, has instead been tamed. Controlled, regulated, and served with a heaping dose of moralism, Binding Magic - the diluted version taught in academies - is nonetheless considered dangerous and its practitioners carefully watched. [hr][center][h3][color=FFFFFF]Temporal Magic[/color][/h3][/center][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QKRroEr.png?1[/img][/center] The average magic caster belongs to an elite group, yet it is rare for even [i]him[/i] to have heard more than rumours about Temporal Magic. Its secrets sealed away in dusty old tomes and locked securely in the vaults of the grandest academies' libraries, this is a forbidden magic to all but the most eminent of masters. Practitioners of the Temporal school - numbering no more than two dozen - draw power from the fabric of spacetime itself, manipulating it in order to teleport and manipulate time. Yet, despite offering such fantastic power, Temporal Magic is rarely used. Some say that there is a price to pay; that it causes 'aberrations': holes in the fabric of reality that can drive those who encounter them to the most horrible of insanities. [hr][center][h3][color=000000]Dark Magic[/color][/h3][/center][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oc8fVuQ.png?1[/img][/center] Some have heard whispers of a yet-more terrifying magic than that of the Temporal school. It is able to create spells from nowhere. It does not need to draw energy or destroy matter or else the energy and matter that it uses is dark, in a sense, like this unknown potential school.[hr][/hider] [hider=Five Thrones] [h1]A World Order[/h1] [h3]Crystal. Radiant. Verdant. Ivory. Iron.[/h3] In the beginning, when the Firstborn crawled out from their caves and looked up at the heavens, they saw five moons in the night sky. When they had grown wise enough in the ways of the world to understand that the five moons were the messengers of the Five members of the Pentad, they found bestowed upon them knowledge of The Gift and many other great things with which to build the civilizations that stand today. This did not happen all in a single place or at a single time. Rather, it came to those who were prepared for it. Five great kingdoms arose to lead the world into the light and grace of the Pentad. Over the centuries, the identities of those Five kingdoms have changed, as all things change. Their mandate has remained, however. Holding one of the Five Thrones marks a country with leadership, power, and blessings. Every five-by-five years, when the conclave of Zenos meets in the hallowed halls of Ersand'Enise, representatives of all civilized lands make their cases as to why [i]their[/i] people should hold one of the the thrones with all of the privileges and responsibilities that it entails. Of course... having a little bit of money on hand or an especially large army also helps. [hr][h3]Crystal: Perrence[/h3] [b]God represented:[/b] Ipte [b]Currently held by:[/b] Perrence (250 years) [b]Appearance:[/b] The current iteration of this throne has been in existence for two-hundred-fifty years, since the Conclave of the Five Thrones began being formally held. Other, similar versions predate it, as Perrence has always held the Crystal Throne. This version is an imposing yet elegant structure made largely of amethyst, tourmaline, and quartz crystals, held together by bands of gold and silver and inlaid with fine filigree in the form of vines and roses. It is often adorned with fresh seasonal flowers and, during Rezain, fine produce, recently harvested. [hr][h3]Radiant: Revidia[/h3] [b]God represented:[/b] Shune [b]Currently held by:[/b] Revidia (175 years) [b]Appearance:[/b] The current iteration of this throne has been in existence for twenty-five years. It is rebuilt and improved upon before every congregation. This version is made of molded stained glass designed to evoke crashing waves and a seashell-shaped backrest. It is illuminated through the use of Arcane Magic and projects the scenes on its stained glass panels onto the walls of the throne room. Whenever the Radiant Throne is occupied, a practitioner of The Gift must be present to maintain its glow. [hr][h3]Verdant: Eskand[/h3] [b]God Represented:[/b] Oraff [b]Currently held by:[/b] Eskand (75 years, Ath & Loh disputed) [b]Appearance:[/b] The current iteration of this throne has been in existence since the beginning of recorded history, though it has been used only occasionally, when Eskand is in ascendance enough to justify occupying one of the five thrones. Some theorize that the throne's beauty and storied nature is one of the main reasons why this currently unremarkable nation occupies such a place of honour. The Eskandish version of the Verdant Throne is sculpted from a living tree of unknown species, ancient and gnarled. Great branches snake around it, carefully sculpted over time, forming armrests, providing an evergreen canopy of shade, and blooming with flowers and delectable red fruit seasonally. [hr][h3]Ivory: Belzagg[/h3] [b]God Represented:[/b] Eshiran [b]Currently held by:[/b] Belzagg (50 years) [b]Appearance:[/b] The current iteration of this throne has been in existence for one hundred years, ever since Belzagg felt it should've been theirs. As relative outsiders to the internal politics of Constantia, this mighty but insular empire was frozen out of the running for a very long time. The throne itself is also known as the Throne of Bones (Lebaz k'Agmar) and is an elegant, eerie structure made of elephant tusks, sabre-toothed tiger fangs, and animal skulls won during the Belzaggic Emperor's hunts. These trophies are polished to a lustrous sheen, inlaid with gold and rare gemstones, and added to the Ivory Throne over time. [hr][h3]Iron: Torragon[/h3] [b]God Represented:[/b] Dami [b]Currently held by:[/b] Torragon (100 years) [b]Appearance:[/b] The current iteration of this throne has been in existence for one hundred years, but portions of it can be traced back at least three hundred, to the throne of Samaur the Hammer, first chieftain of the Torraro people to be consecrated king. Angular and imposing, the Iron Throne is forged from what seems to be a single massive coal-black hunk of iron. Intricate scenes of the nation's history are carved in thin bands around its back and armrests and, above the monarch's head is mounted the famous Eye of the Judge - Samaur's legendary ruby, which is larger than a man's fist. The great chair is said to be distinctly uncomfortable to sit on. Perhaps this is a reflection of the Torragonese belief that a leader does not command by word, but by action. [/hider] [hr] [hr] [center][h1]Laws of the Land[/h1][/center] [u][b]One:[/b][/u] Our [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/187336-the-hourglass-order/ooc#post-5321097]OOC and IC[/url] are now live and I'm looking for a group of give or take [s]eight[/s] twelve players. You will all be first year students at the Ersand'Enise Academy of Thaumaturgy and, if we have enough people, you'll be divided into four groups (each with an NPC). You enter the school at a time of considerable intrigue, but there's no definitive 'big bad' yet (or is there?). Aberrations are popping up everywhere and it's certainly alarming, but you can always just not touch them and you'll be okay, right? Then, there's the Traveler and his followers who rove about the countryside, preaching revolutionary ideas, exposing people to the dangerous magic of aberrations, and seeking to enflame tensions. Finally, there is the increasing withdrawal and hostility of the once-common yasoi from human society. It definitely feels like this won't be a normal first year at Ersand'Enise... Try to take into account how your character might interact with some of these factors when designing her or him. [indent]- [b]TL;DR: Basically, think Harry Potter meets Game of Thrones meets Naruto and Avatar TLA.[/b][/indent] [u][b]Two:[/b][/u] Be active but have a life too. Try to post every couple of days but at least once per week and try to post a meaty paragraph or two at a time. We'll use [url=https://discord.gg/ca9wJNkMyB]discord[/url] as well for things like conversations where long paragraphs would be impractical. If you're going inactive for a while, tell me and I'll work something out. Otherwise, your character becomes an NPC and being an NPC sucks, right? [indent]- [b]TL;DR: be active and write quality posts, but there aren't any super rigid guidelines.[/b][/indent] [u][b]Three:[/b][/u] Characters should be human or (in special cases) yasoi. They should be between ages fourteen and eighteen. Design your character to be interesting to RP and to play a role in the story that we'll be co-constructing, not to win the game or be more awesome than everyone else. 'Chosen One' types are boring. Real life isn't all about main characters. There's a lot of lore, but reading the relevant parts will help, so I encourage it. The most essential rule here is: be a good-faith actor. [indent]- [b]TL;DR: humans only, make sure they fit the setting, and be creative instead of lazy.[/b][/indent] [u][b]Four:[/b][/u] To the end stated above, powerplaying is no bueno here. As for metagaming, a general rule is: RP based solely on what your character knows IC and what she's like IC, not what you know OOC and what you're like OOC. Character development is a good thing and characters can get stronger, but your character can't suddenly pull some temporal magic out of his ass when he's in a tight spot. That's lazy writing and subverts the stakes we're trying to build in a good story. Basically, if you're only looking to play a cataclysmically powerful edgelord necromancer, I feel you, but you can do it somewhere else. [indent]- [b]TL;DR: don't be cringe or a dick, cool?[/b][/indent] [u][b]Five:[/b][/u] As for reading the lore? I know that there's an utterly intimidating amount of it on the next few slides and in the OOC, so of course you're not expected to read it all (though you [i]can [/i]if you're cool like that). Just make sure that you read the Essential Lore in the three posts below and look up anything that specifically pertains to your character. Also, ask questions on [url=https://discord.gg/ca9wJNkMyB]discord[/url] if you're not sure. [indent]- [b]TL;DR: you don't have to read all of the lore, but read the basics and the stuff relevant to what you wanna do.[/b][/indent] [hr] [hr] [center][h1]Essential Lore[/h1][/center]Here, you'll find all of the essentials for this RPG. Read through this and you'll have a basic idea of what this is about and how it works. If there's something that you don't understand very well or would like to know more about, you'll probably find it in the next three posts under 'Advanced Lore'. [hider=The Magic][center][h3]The Magic[/h3][/center] This RPG uses a system of magic that aims for a sort of fantastical realism and that treats magic a bit more like a science. Basically, you draw energy (thermal, magnetic, kinetic, chemical, etc) into yourself from your surroundings and use that power to cast your spells. The type of source and cast are known as the ‘school’ of your magic. [list][*]There are three essential components of any spell: drawing, converting, and casting. [*]The quickest spells pull from a source and cast magic of the same school. E.g. you pull thermal energy from a fire and cast a fireball. [*]If you’re a bit more skilled, you can take a moment to draw energy from an abundant source and convert it into another type of energy to cast a spell from another school. E.g. you draw from the massive kinetic energy of waves at sea and use it to cast a lightning bolt. [*]There are numerous ways in which a magic user can increase the power of her spells, but the most basic factor is one’s magic capacity, as measured by the Rahman-Albanda Scale (RAS). Basically, this is the amount of energy that you can draw into yourself from the environment at one time. The more energy that you can draw, the stronger that your spells can be.[/list][/hider] [hider=The World][center][h3]The World[/h3][/center][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/55YITJz.png?2[/img][/center][center][url=https://i.imgur.com/rdIxuSx.png]Full Size Image[/url][/center] Sipenta is an earthlike low fantasy world full of different languages, cultures, religions, and interesting settings. There are plenty of background politics and lurking dangers. Some particulars are: [list][*]The story takes place in a time period roughly similar to the early-mid 1600s on Earth. Society is very class-stratified and the use of magic is near-monopolized by the upper classes. [*]There are different names for the days, months, and seasons (and different numbers of them) than we're used to. [*]The Ersand’Enise Academy of Thaumaturgy is located in a region broadly similar to southwestern Europe on the Mediterranean Sea. [*]There is another intelligent species that inhabits the world of Sipenta along with humans. Called the yasoi, they have traditionally been present in society amongst us. However, over the past few decades, they have markedly withdrawn. [*]There has also been an increase in the appearance of aberrations, which are pitch-black holes in spacetime that can cause heightened ability to use magic but also addiction and insanity in those who come into contact with them. For those with very little to no magical capacity, touching an aberration can prove fatal. Some theorize that the aberrations are connected to particular types of magic use. [*]Recently, a mysterious and charismatic figure known as ‘The Traveler’ has been harnessing the power of these aberrations and stirring up class conflict, preaching a revolutionary message to the common people that threatens war at a moment when delegates of all of the continent’s major nations are set to meet in Ersand’Enise for the Conclave of the Five Thrones. This takes place only once every twenty-five years and, while people older and wiser assure you that there is nothing to worry about, you sense that there is a very good chance that things might get ugly.[/list][/hider] [hider=The School][center][h3]The School[/h3][/center] You’re all first-year students entering the Ersand’Enise Academy of Thaumaturgy. It is located in a free city of the same name. You’ve entered as part of a five year cohort, so the oldest of you will be eighteen and the youngest will be fourteen. You’ll live and study here, in the city, for the next five years, under the care and tutelage of master thaumaturges known as Zenos. You’ll have magic classes (focused on different schools of magic and different aspects of its use) and general classes, as well as some free time. You’ll also be apprenticed to a particular Zeno along with a group of three fellow students and you’ll spend a considerable amount of time with them. However, the dangers mentioned earlier are bubbling just beneath the surface and they threaten to explode and plunge you and your peers - unprepared novices - into the thick of a conflict that could define the future of your world.[/hider] [hr] [hr] [center][h1]Student Applications[/h1][/center] The Academy selects its students from among the best and brightest that the finest families of Constantia and Severa have on offer. To make it into these hallowed halls, you will have to provide a compelling case. Be it exceptional wealth, political clout, raw magical talent, or good old-fashioned hard work, you will have to have done something - at some point - to stand out. Otherwise, there are lesser academies for people like you. They aren't bad places by any means; they just... aren't Ersand'Enise. In addition to social, political, monetary, and ability factors, when assessing your application, our admissions council will take into account your understanding of the world, your ability to work with others, a balance between your uniqueness and ease of integration into our system, your literacy level, and your strength of character and dedication to your craft. [indent][hider=Character Sheet][center][h2][u] Full Name [/u][/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/tZGKpnd.png[/img][/center] [b][center] A character quote or motto [/center][/b] [hr][hr] [center][h3][b] Age | Gender | Nationality | Social Class | RAS Level [/b] [/h3][/center] [h3][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ [ ] ❖ [ ] ❖ [ ] ❖ [ ] ❖ [ ][/indent] So, I know that your conception of your character can change as the story moves along or even as you write this application and get a feel for her. The purpose of this exercise is to try to think of five (or possibly more) essential traits, followed by a brief paragraph below the bullet points to summarize what your character is like and how we can expect her to interact with others. [h3][u]L A N G U A G E S [/u][/h3] What languauges can your character speak, and how fluently? How many is he literate in? As a general guide, keep in mind that everyone will be fluent in their native tongue and that virtually all nobles and wealthier merchants would also be expected to know Avincian and perhaps a reasonable amount of one other major language like Perrench, Revidian, Torragonese, Virangish, Belzaggic, or Eskandish. [h3][u]C H A R A C T E R A P P E A R A N C E [/u][/h3] What does your character look like? How does he dress? How old is he? What are his defining features? Does he have any particularly noteworthy traits, birthmarks, possessions, or scars? [h3][u]T H E G I F T [/u][/h3] Just what can your character do with The Gift? What makes her worthy of entrance into Ersand'Enise? Please provide a clear description of her magical aptitudes, favoured schools (if any), prior training, current magical capacity, and any original spells that she may be working to master. Remember, these are students, so they can be gifted, but they are not masters. The goal here isn't necessarily to be the strongest (though that's not an automatic strike); it's to create a compelling character. [h3][u]B A C K G R O U N D [/u][/h3] At their young age, perhaps your character doesn't have too much personal history yet, but everybody has a background and a context. What is his home like? Who are his people? What has he done and learned so far in life? Where has he been and who has he met? Please try to keep this below two or three solid paragraphs. [h3][u]M O T I V A T I O N [/u][/h3] What gets your character up every morning and, more particularly, why is she eager to be here? (or [i]is[/i] she?) What does she hope to gain from this opportunity (if she views it as one) and what does she want out of life in general? What are her goals? (and, conversely, what are her fears?) [h3][u]I N V E N T O R Y [/u][/h3] What sort of personal items, tools, cash, jewellery, or weapons (!) does your character usually carry, and what might we find stashed in his home or dormitory? These should ideally be age, region, and social-class appropriate, have some sort of use, and tell us something about him. [h3][u]S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ [/indent] There's more to a character than her magical abilities! What other skills has she acquired outside of The Gift? What are some of her personal strengths? Please remember the early-modern (roughly 1600s) setting of this RPG and try to make skills appropriate. [h3][u]W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ [/indent] Nobody's perfect. What are some things that your character just tends to struggle with? What are some personality traits of his that may cause problems for himself and others? Is there anything that most people might expect him to know that he doesn't? [h3][u]M I S C E L L A N E O U S [/u][/h3] Anything not covered above goes here. You can leave this blank if you like.[/hider][/indent] [indent][hider=Raw Code CS][code][center][h2][u] Full Name [/u][/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/tZGKpnd.png[/img][/center] [b][center] A character quote or motto [/center][/b] [hr][hr] [center][h3][b] Age | Gender | Nationality | Social Class | RAS Level [/b] [/h3][/center] [h3][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ [ ] ❖ [ ] ❖ [ ] ❖ [ ] ❖ [ ][/indent] So, I know that your conception of your character can change as the story moves along or even as you write this application and get a feel for her. The purpose of this exercise is to try to think of five (or possibly more) essential traits, followed by a brief paragraph below the bullet points to summarize what your character is like and how we can expect her to interact with others. [h3][u]C H A R A C T E R A P P E A R A N C E [/u][/h3] What does your character look like? How does he dress? How old is he? What are his defining features? Does he have any particularly noteworthy traits, birthmarks, possessions, or scars? [h3][u]L A N G U A G E S [/u][/h3] What languauges can your character speak, and how fluently? How many is he literate in? As a general guide, keep in mind that everyone will be fluent in their native tongue and that virtually all nobles and wealthier merchants would also be expected to know Avincian and perhaps a reasonable amount of one other major language like Perrench, Revidian, Torragonese, Virangish, Belzaggic, or Eskandish. [h3][u]T H E G I F T [/u][/h3] Just what can your character do with The Gift? What makes her worthy of entrance into Ersand'Enise? Please provide a clear description of her magical aptitudes, favoured schools (if any), prior training, current magical capacity, and any original spells that she may be working to master. Remember, these are students, so they can be gifted, but they are not masters. The goal here isn't necessarily to be the strongest; it's to create a compelling character. [h3][u]B A C K G R O U N D [/u][/h3] At their young age, perhaps your character doesn't have too much personal history yet, but everybody has a background and a context. What is his home like? Who are his people? What has he done and learned so far in life? Where has he been and who has he met? Please try to keep this below two or three solid paragraphs. [h3][u]M O T I V A T I O N [/u][/h3] What gets your character up every morning and, more particularly, why is she eager to be here? (or [i]is[/i] she?) What does she hope to gain from this opportunity (if she views it as one) and what does she want out of life in general? What are her goals? (and, conversely, what are her fears?) [h3][u]I N V E N T O R Y [/u][/h3] What sort of personal items, tools, cash, jewellery, or weapons (!) does your character usually carry, and what might we find stashed in his home or dormitory? These should ideally be age, region, and social-class appropriate, have some sort of use, and tell us something about him. [h3][u]S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ [/indent] There's more to a character than her magical abilities! What other skills has she acquired outside of The Gift? What are some of her personal strengths? Please remember the early-modern (roughly 1600s) setting of this RPG and try to make skills appropriate. [h3][u]W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ [/indent] Nobody's perfect. What are some things that your character just tends to struggle with? What are some personality traits of his that may cause problems for himself and others? Is there anything that most people might expect him to know that he doesn't? [h3][u]M I S C E L L A N E O U S [/u][/h3] Anything not covered above goes here. You can leave this blank if you like.[/code][/hider][/indent] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uR4FYJI.jpg?1[/img][/center] [center][h1]Discord Link & OOC[/h1]Don't be shy! Join up if you're interested or even if you just have questions or wanna watch this coalesce. [url=https://discord.gg/ca9wJNkMyB][h3]Discord[/h3][/url][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/187336-the-hourglass-order/ooc#post-5321097][h3]OOC[/h3][/url][/center] [hr] [hr] [center][h1][i]Welcome to Ersand'Enise![/i][/h1][/center]