[hider=Gorrister][center][h2][u] Thierre Lebas[/u][/h2] [/center][url=https://ibb.co/NVhyBM4][img]https://i.ibb.co/NVhyBM4/aniyuki-anime-boy-black-hair-96.jpg[/img][/url] [b][center] "I was once told that I was very strong, it's become very clear to me that everyone else is just weak." [/center][/b] [center][h3][b] 16| Male| Perrench| Nobility| 8.76[/b] [/h3][/center] [h3][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ [ Disturbed] ❖ [Wild ] ❖ [ Abrasive] ❖ [ Comical] ❖ [Aloof ][/indent] Thierre unfortunately suffers from psychosis, which sometimes makes him to have these insane delusions about the nature of reality and the nature of the people around him. Whenever he is not in a psychotic episode, he is usually trying to cure himself of life's greatest scourge, boredom, but don't let his wild demeanor fool you he is not a very warm person. He likes to keep people at arms-lengths and has a bit of a chip on his shoulder due to being of a lower nobility class. He has a quick temper and hates being disrespected, in which he will make fun of and threaten who ever has transgressed against him. He known for having a dark gleam in his eyes as if there is there is something inhuman behind his eyes. He has a very sick sense of humor and it often leads to him saying very disturbing things because he gets a kick of making people upset or mad. Something he enjoys even more then trolling is pondering the philosophical and existential implication of his existence, even though he probably shouldn't given the whole crazy thing. [h3][u]C H A R A C T E R A P P E A R A N C E [/u][/h3] Thierre is actually quite handsome, but hates whenever people try to compliment him on his looks. He has jet-black hair with brown eyes with a pointed noise. He is decently tall at 6'1 and a half(186.69cm), and being of an athletic build with some major scars on his back and chest. Theirre usually just dresses like a commoner on most occasions, with his usual "wardrobe" of tunics and pants in dark neutral colors. He has some hoods for whenever it rains, and some shorts for whenever it's hot outside. [h3][u]L A N G U A G E S [/u][/h3] He knows of Avincian from eavesdropping on tutors and such, but learned a fair bit before he was taken from his parents. He knowns of Perrench of course and is very fluent in it, but he sometimes shortens words or adds phrases of Avincian into his regular speech. That's it for the most part, he is conversational in Eskandish from reading books when no one was watching but it's not close to being passable at all. [h3][u]T H E G I F T [/u][/h3] Theirre is a truly gifted mage, one of the few things he has an a natural aptitude for. And he prefers arcane magic and chemical magic although he secretly wishes to be able to use deep arcane magic. He prefers magic that is nice, sleek and tight meaning he doesn't prefer large monstrous spells but instead highly dense and concentrated expenditures of energy. Which is why all of the spells he is currently working on(3), involve highly concentrated blasts or beams of energy. He likes to keep his magical talents under wraps because he doesn't need people bugging him or holding him in some kind of special regard. He has gotten some personal tutoring from the duke and has demonstrated remarkable skill in the gift even though it is noticeably unrefined despite his best efforts. [h3][u]B A C K G R O U N D [/u][/h3] Theirre was born to very minor nobles in Perrence and for the most part it was a happy and blissful existence. That was until his father, the Baron Chamand-le-Sur, was part of a rebellion against the King of Perrence about seven years ago and was defeated. Higher noble houses that rebelled were crushed, but the baron groveled convincingly enough that he was allowed to keep his house and lands. However, his son Thierre was sent to live as a ward with the Duke of Lillience as a show of loyalty. This led to a very painful and arduous existence as he was being held as a hostage and treated as just another servant and being constantly reminded of his lower status and his status as a slave. He would be beaten severely whenever he dare ask to be treated with the same respect as the other noble kid, and thus would develop a deep hatred for the high nobility. This is also around the time his mental illness would surface and due to the stigmatization of mental illness in Perrence, he would further be treated as such a simple servant even if he was forced to act and present himself as a noble. His luck would finally turn around on his 14th birthday when it was discovered that this kid had an insanely high RAS score of 9.1. When this was discovered an Arch-Xeno would instantly sponsor him to attend Ersand'Enise, however the duke would take issue with sending their mentally unwell servant-noble away into such a prestigious academy. There was no way that runt would ever become a good mage, even if he has a RAS score of 11, they argued. This was nothing a little bit of threatening couldn't fix however and just like that he was sent into Ersand'Enise. Before he would go however, he would receive tutoring in the ways of magic and it was found that he had quite a bit of skill in the magical arts. [h3][u]M O T I V A T I O N [/u][/h3] Honestly, Thierre is just bored and he needs something to kill that boredom. Like sure getting treated like dirt is bad and all, but more importantly it's boring. If there was maybe some knife play involved it would be more interesting but then again, the duke was too much of a square for knife play. He wants to prove to himself that he deserves to be here and he will be someone in this world and not just that random servant-noble that got beat by a fat old duke a couple years back. Though there probably aren't a whole lot of servant-nobles in Perrence but you still get the point. [h3][u]I N V E N T O R Y [/u][/h3] He has a large wooden staff that was used to beat him, given as a sick joke from the duke [h3][u]S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ Quick learner ❖Insane at games ❖Thinks on his feet ❖Quick reflexes ❖ Good at puzzles [/indent] Thierre is mostly just wants to do the most fun things possible, and sometimes it can lead to amazing moments of excellence. He can think fast and reacts quick to changes in his environment. Moments of clarity come from the most mind numbing instances of madness and for Thierre those instances happen quite a bit. He's also the best dominoes player like ever, trust me. He is exceptionally good at games and puzzles that forces him to think. However he does prefer some element of luck to be at play because games where the better player always wins are boring. [h3][u]W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ Gambling addict ❖ Risk addict ❖Mental illness ❖ Will start a fight over the slightest negative comment ❖ Will go to extreme lengths to cure his boredom. [/indent] Thierre's quest to never be bored does encounter some obstacles, like the fact that he will do anything to not be bored, including games of great risk to himself. If guns were a thing, he would play Russian roulette at least once a month and fill the chamber with two bullets because "1/6 chance of death is boring". He also likes to gamble and will often gamble his entire life over the most superficial bets(although he has never lost when he bets everything). [h3][u]M I S C E L L A N E O U S [/u][/h3] Anything not covered above goes here. 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