[@TinyKiwi] I loved Mara, but Bango is amazing! Feel free to play whichever you like. [@Bork Lazer] Dude. Just...dude. I'm in love with your character. I love his complex, intellectual, prickly nature and wild experimentation. The regional pasttime that you've created is awesome as well. Permission to incorporate it into the lore? Also, accepted, BTW. [@Gittarackur] That's a significant improvement. TBH, I'd just be careful to make sure that you strike a balance in your RPing between seeming legitimately unsettled and not acting out to the point where any reasonable academy would expel you. Thierre is provisionally approved pending some demonstration of what a post from your character will actually look like in the RPG. Sorry for all of the hoops that I'm making you jump through, but basically any character above an 8.25 is a spicy proposition and I need to be certain that they're going to be a good faith actor.