[center][i]“Everyday I wake up knowing that the more people I try to save, the more [color=00a651]enemies[/color] I'll make. And it's just a matter of time before I face those with more power than I can overcome.”[/i] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/1dea6902-7f5e-4a59-89be-f9fa1792dacc.jpg[/img][/center] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Peter Benjamin Parker (Earth-120703: “Webbverse” Incarnation), AKA The Amazing Spider-Man [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] Indeterminate: Presumably mid-to-late 20’s [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Canon:[/b][/u] [center] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/d8123f48-020c-491f-83ed-e6a267866fe0.png[/img] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/471c5545-b167-4aab-b1a0-8abbc490dde6.png[/img][/center] [u][b]Main Thread or Sandbox:[/b][/u] Main [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] [center][i]“[color=ed1c24]Peter Parker:[/color] if there’s one thing you are, it’s good.”[/i] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/06f8c2d1-3beb-42e4-b7c2-048ee916bcba.gif[/img][/center] A hero at heart, Peter Parker is a damaged but kindhearted individual that fights for the everyman, staying grounded and human where other heroes would lose their heads in the clouds. Despite the immense courage he displays as Spider-Man, Peter is quite awkward socially: He frequently stumbles over words and stutters, becoming easily flustered and embarrassed. He evidently struggles with social interaction in general, remaining an outcast for most of his school days. Nonetheless, he was caring and kind even before he assumed the mantle of Spider-Man, standing up for the students Flash Thompson bullied—even if it meant a kick in the ribs. As Spider-Man, he becomes far more confident, slinging just as many jokes and quips at his opponents as he does webs. Ultimately, however, he does not prioritise his enemies during a crisis—his first plan of action is always to defend the innocent, and he will willingly let a villain escape if forced to choose between apprehending them or saving a bystander. This mercy and compassion for life extends even to the criminals he battles: He will always try to incapacitate rather than kill, and even attempted to talk down Electro and the Rhino. Despite his noble heart, Peter is scarred from tragedy after tragedy: He became vindictive and vengeful after the death of his Uncle Ben, and was unable to forgive himself for the death of Gwen Stacy—after her passing, he had “no time for Peter Parker” stuff, foregoing an ordinary life entirely. His mercy has its limits, especially after loss: After the death of Gwen, he “stopped pulling his punches” and became “bitter” and “rageful”—a state he had sworn off after overcoming the loss of Uncle Ben, but nonetheless an immutable characteristic of his psyche he can never truly escape. Peter is especially prone to blaming himself for negative outcomes, even when they are not entirely his fault: Even years later, he was unable to forgive himself for failing to save Gwen, and pursued the Lizard entirely because, in Peter’s eyes, he was responsible for his creation. Guilt hangs over him like a dark cloud and has clearly taken its toll on him: During the events of No Way Home, he is notably more sensitive and reserved, and his interactions with his fellow Spider-men suggest he is (perhaps intentionally) starved for companionship. In spite of his great loss, Peter carries on: Working to forgive himself, to better himself, and to keep safe those he swore to protect—in honour of those he could not. [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/a6a960e8-3d31-43c4-8107-55e38a1a61e4.gif[/img][/center] [u][b]Biography:[/b][/u] [url]https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Peter_Parker_(Earth-120703)#History[/url] (waaay too long to be reasonably summarised lol) [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] [b]Web-Shooters:[/b] [center][i]“It's just the wrist. It's just all in the wrist, buddy.”[/i] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/a582d335-a27f-4f83-8340-ea46866d02d0.gif[/img][/center] Unlike his arachnid cousins, Peter cannot manufacture webbing naturally. However, after “borrowing” some of the research on Oscorp’s biocables, he came up with the perfect alternative: “Web-Shooters”, a marvel of engineering allowing Spider-Man to truly live up to his name. Loaded with cartridges of webbing, the Web-Shooters can fire cobweb-esque liquid, both in bursts and in sustained streams. [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/cecd15d9-2c60-4265-b6ab-903ef13e0a5f.gif[/img][/center] The Web-Shooter’s webbing is incredibly powerful: The biocable which it was developed from is ten times stronger than steel—outclassing even tungsten—and is capable of hauling around jet planes without snapping. Its strength is frequently demonstrated, a single rope able to suspend cars from bridges and binding the inhuman powerhouse that was the Lizard. Unlike steel at its toughest, however, the webbing is also incredibly flexible and stretchy, like rope—a property that makes it an incredibly versatile tool for ensnaring enemies or setting up traps. Perhaps most iconic of the Web-Shooter’s uses comes from a combination of all three of its noteworthy properties: With its incredible strength, flexibility, and stickiness, Peter can use the Web-Shooters can be used to sling himself around New York, soaring through the air and grappling up buildings. [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/4c1369db-5a6f-48cb-841c-24736b4f845d.gif[/img][/center] [u][b]Powers/Abilities:[/b][/u] [b]Cross-Species Genetics:[/b] [center]“[i]He was bitten by one of those things, and it worked.”[/i] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/a2d45406-66d5-41ee-aca9-ba238e16de34.gif[/img][/center] After Peter was bitten by one of Oscorp’s super-spiders, his very DNA was rewritten—the best aspects of spider and human were combined to create the amazing Spider-Man, and bestow upon him abilities befitting of that title. [i][b]Superhuman Strength:[/b][/i] Peter's strength is overwhelming, easily overpowering even the peak of normal human potential. He can effortlessly overpower normal humans, pull apart guns, and smash his alarm clock into bits with a simple hit. A slam dunk shattered the backboard of his school basketball hoop, and his front door’s glass panel met the same fate when he slammed it in a fit of frustration. He could hold a van with one hand while hanging from a web, and stopped a bus weighing 18.5 tons from tipping over. His strength also allows him to jump higher and farther than a normal human, further supplementing his mobility and allowing him to leap from one building, over a New York street, and onto the next. [i][b]Superhuman Durability:[/b][/i] Peter's muscles and flesh are tougher than a normal human. He was capable of surviving a fall from hundreds of feet in the air, and was smashed into (and even through) brick walls with only minimal injuries and discomfort. He survived multiple blasts from Electro, and even endured electrical torture that pushed Electro to his absolute limit—torture that occurred midair, meaning the electric current running through Peter would have no way to ground itself. [i][b]Superhuman Speed:[/b][/i] Peter’s speed is incredible, allowing him to catch up to moving vehicles and dodge Electro’s lightning attacks. [i][b]Superhuman Reflexes:[/b][/i] According to the official TASM blog, Peter’s reflexes are roughly 40 times faster than that of a regular human, putting them at around 6.25 milliseconds—excluding spider-senses. [i][b]Superhuman Stamina:[/b][/i] Spider-Man’s stamina is far greater than a normal human, enabling him to keep fighting for longer—and swing through New York without growing tired. Superhuman Agility: Due to his incredible strength and flexibility, Peter is extremely acrobatic and is able to perform high jumps, somersaults, flips and other precarious manoeuvres. His balance is also perfect, allowing him to perch atop narrow surfaces with ease. According to the official TASM blog, Peter is roughly fifteen times more agile than a normal human. [i][b]Superhuman Senses:[/b][/i] His senses appear to be greatly heightened, especially when used in conjunction with his spider-sense. Most notably, his senses are so finely tuned as to allow him to use the vibrations of his strings to sense movement—much like actual spiders. [i][b]Regenerative Healing Factor:[/b][/i] Peter's metabolism is greatly accelerated, thus allowing him to heal much faster than a normal human: He is able to heal from the Lizard’s claw marks on his chest and a gunshot wound to the leg without medical attention. Logically, he would also possess greater immunity to toxins and alcohol and drugs, and could overcome their effects by speedily metabolising them. [b]Spider-Senses:[/b] [center][i]“I have the tingle thing, just not for bread.”[/i] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/155cf13b-55e0-42ad-9ba7-4fccab1d4ba1.gif[/img][/center] A tingling in the back of the skull as time seems to slow to a crawl—with the power of Spider-Sense, even a distracted and unfocused Peter can react to danger with seemingly pre-cognisant speed and observe his surroundings in extreme detail, in fractions of time—he can even “feel” danger before it manifests, almost as if he was capable of looking a short time into the future. This ability doesn’t seem to be restricted to Peter’s immediate surroundings, either: Miles away, he was able to sense the Lizard’s attack on the Williamsburg Bridge, as well as the presence of Electro in Times Square before he had even begun his rampage. Combined with his blinding speed and shocking reaction time, the Spider-Sense makes Peter a tough bug to squash. Notably, however, he does not have the tingle for bread. So please don’t throw bread at him. [b]Wall-Clinging:[/b] [center][i]“Nana was just asking if you could get the cobweb, since you’re, like…up there.”[/i] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/3cbe6ece-68c2-43e2-ae98-70dd7e8b74fa.gif[/img][/center] A refreshingly straightforward superpower name, wall-clinging allows Peter to, get this, cling to walls. The surface he clings to is seemingly irrelevant: Unlike a real spider, Peter can scale smooth glass just as easily as he can climb tough brick. As well as climbing surfaces, the ability to essentially magnetise whatever Peter touches to himself also greatly assists in lifting, as well as holding onto people and objects—especially useful when swinging through the air. The ability can be activated consciously, however it also functions on an unconscious level: Pressed between two sides of a ceiling window, Peter slept soundly, practically suspended from the air. [b]Amazing Intellect:[/b] [center][i]“He's one of Midtown Science's best and brightest. He's second in his class.” “Second? You sure about that?”[/i] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/b0a0ae16-fbf5-4e79-aedd-9990b80e323e.gif[/img][/center] Even without his powers, Peter Parker is a genius: Practically, he was able to construct his own Web-Shooters from simple spare parts, and in a more theoretical sense, he solved the decay rate algorithm that had stumped Dr. Connors for years. He also possesses a deep understanding of quantum mechanics, immediately deducing how he travelled to the Marvel Cinematic Universe by invoking string theory and matter displacement. His creativity and intelligence has uses beyond engineering and theoretical physics, of course: It serves as a great boon in battle, allowing Peter to expertly analyse his enemy and figure out the best course of action them, taking into consideration the physical limits of the foe’s powers and the available resources in the nearby environment.