[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200819/228d90e4455e346b67fb919064f9e198.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201121/5c64ae112195ea8758a48d217d727761.png[/img][/center] Tim hung about wondering what he should do next. The other people had gone their separate ways, and he didn’t feel comfortable tagging along with strangers. The Gym was nearby, but Tim wasn’t quite ready for that yet. He was about to leave, and wander around a little when he caught sight of a Litleo, attempting to roar, and his face lit up.[color=deepskyblue]“Hey buddy! What are you doing here? Are you lost?”[/color] He quietly approached the Pokémon, and tried to pat it on the head. Meanwhile, Rocky, sniffed it curiously, and started panting happily. Liam was disappointed no one had paid him any attention. The one other guy still there decided to notice some random Litleo before noticing the cute boy with the fairies. Well, that was gonna have to change. [color=pink]“Oh good, you do talk!”[/color] Liam gave Tim a hug. [color=pink]“It’s so nice to meet someone I can talk to on eye level for once!”[/color] Tim blushed and immediately backed away from the hug. [color=deepskyblue]“Um… I-I-I’m Tim… Um…”[/color] He immediately turned his attention back to the lion cub. [@Zanavy]