[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/696701994790027387/861929953271349288/2DaZRZ0.png[/img] Thomas' questions begot only silence. Only those eyes communicated in vague terms, staring right back at his own. That stare creased into an accusatory glare, the man looking down at Thomas as though he were some kind of imposter for the simply bearing the eyes that he did. But the boy neither recoiled nor advanced, weapon in hand still while he remained frozen in place. Perhaps by fear, perhaps by curiosity. Most likely, it was a combination of the two, amongst other things. [color=violet]"Huh...?"[/color] Thomas' expression fell as the violet-eyed figure shook his head with a sigh. Though he was sure he had no idea who this man was, that show of vexation and contempt hurt the boy. Like he'd disappointed someone important to him, an unseen and unknown connection that had been frayed. And to that end, as the violet-eyed man finally turned away to leave back whence he came, a look of total desperation came over Thomas' countenance. Now he rushed forward towards the apparition with the utmost urgency, glaive dematerialising at it only hindered him in his mad sprint. [color=violet]"Wait! Don't go, please!"[/color] The boy cried to the back of the fading figure. Finally he'd found someone who looked as though they knew something about him, only to receive nothing in return. Visage or not, it felt as though someone close was leaving him. And so, once again, Thomas found himself standing alone, in the midst of complete darkness and absolute light. All that was left were a few lingering words, from a broken and muttered sentence. Words that Thomas would keep in mind, but couldn't find the heart or headspace to comprehend right now. For a few seconds he just stood there in stunned silence within the shadows, staring at where the man had stood only moments before. Followed by deep, deep frustration. He felt betrayed, he felt screwed over once again. [color=violet]"Fuck!"[/color] The side of a fist was slammed with alarming force into the rough stone wall, crimson blood flowing as sharp rock grazed Thomas' hand. With tense and high emotions bubbling to the surface, another brief glint of gold came and went over his violet eyes, from which tears began to form. His knees bent and he bowed his head to the ground in despair. [color=violet]"Who the hell am I? What the hell am I?"[/color] Alone was what he was. The cursed hue of his eyes reflected in the droplets of tears which slid down his cheeks, leaving a faint line of moisture behind, before dropping off his face to meld into the ground. But, despite whatever he might've thought, he wasn't alone. At least not for long. Before he could descend further into the darkness, a familiar voice was there to pull him right out. [color=violet]"Rik- uff!"[/color] The equally familiar source of that voice crashed into Thomas blindly, knocking him to the ground and into one of the rays of light spilling through the cracks in the Abyssal walls. Those tears he'd been facing down at only seconds before now rubbed into his back, a few wet stains on his clothing. They were present, but behind him. In a figurative and literal sense. The boy sniffed and rubbed his eyes and face fervently to try and hide any evidence of his upset, though red and puffy eyes and cheeks, along with a glistening sheen that remained over his irises, made it pretty obvious as to what had happened. [color=violet]"Y-you ok?"[/color] Thomas asked Riku concernedly, his voice faltering slightly. He looked up to his friend, now that he was able to see clearly.