[center][h1][color=f26522]Foxfire[/color] & [color=808080]Zagren[/color][/h1][/center][hr][hr] [i]Hmph[/i] the dragonborn grunted, hesitantly dropping his fist after the barkeep shouted figuring that there was likely a fight brewing in her humble establishment. Zagren shrugged, reluctantly lowering his meaty fist to oblige the request when Domic decided to speak up quite understandably airing out his frustration at the barbarian's attitude thus far. [color=808080]"You not understand,"[/color] he shook his head, as much as he felt like clocking the halfling the dragonborn had no quarrel with him at the moment [color=808080]"It about honor."[/color] thinking that was all the halfling would need to understand why he was doing this the dragonborn turned and walked out the door of the tavern and out in the snowy streets of Easthaven. Foxfire scoffed and rolled her eyes as she followed him out, and she commented, "[color=f26522]Oh please! Honor is no excuse to treat others like bullshit,[/color]" As she walked out, she remained on guard and ready to dodge. She didn't seem to mind the cold air but it sure as hell looked like her opponent did, the dragonborn seemed somewhat shivery but not completely deterred by the icy sea breeze; Zagren offered her no immediate reply before sighing, his breath steaming in the air but all that came out was a rasp in a language his opponent wouldn't understand the word simply meaning 'maybe' in draconic. However he wasted no time to further the conversation and threw a punch at her, swinging wide. Foxfire grinned. Time seemed to move slowly as she saw the punch coming. She swiftly moved out of the way of the punch, and she commented to the Dragonborn, "[color=f26522]Too slow![/color]" She reacted and immediately moved to strike. She tried to aim a punch for his gut, before she did something that was unexpected: She jumped and aimed a kick at his face. Her heel makes contact with his cheek, possibly knocking a tooth out of his jaw. Jerked backwards from the impact of her kick the dragonborn stepped back, tasting blood in his mouth and feeling an empty tooth cavity with his tongue. Zagren gave the woman a toothy grin [color=808080]"Good hit."[/color] it was hard to tell if he wasn't snarling or smiling but he sounded genuinely impressed for almost a second before rushing at her again swinging a solid punch at his opponents face to return the favor. Foxfire easily took the hit from the Dragonborn, clearly caught off guard by his impressed compliment. She gasped as some of the air was knocked out. However, Foxfire easily remembered that she took harder hits during her training and her time on the streets when she was a kid. She groaned "[color=f26522]Not bad...[/color]" before she moved to strike, clearly not giving up the fight. She tried to hit him in the face with a fist, only to find her strike was only slightly off, missing him. She then reached for her own energy, and moved to strike him two more times. However, his scales proved to be too thick for her strikes this time. He was clearly the stronger combatant, some measly blows to the chest and abdomen barely phased Zagren however he wasn't as disciplined as his opponent was in hand-to-hand combat, the barbarian failed to have the same composure to land precise strikes with his meaty fists; thus when he tried to swing with all his might the dragonborn over-swung. Foxfire ducked, lowering herself to the ground to dodge the Dragonborn's next strike. As his fist swung over her, she maneuvered herself so that she could strike. She aimed a kick to the back of his knee. Once the strike landed, she jumped up, and swung down on his head with an axe kick before landing on her feet. Zagren's knee buckled under the force of her kick, dropping him onto his hands and feet upon the snow-covered ground. Before the dragonborn could even try to pick himself up off the ground his attacker kicked him again this time in the head, he fell on his face in the snow growing red around him. When she saw the snow around him start to grow red, she barked at him, knowing that she was very close to knocking him unconscious, "[color=f26522]Had enough, Big Guy? Or do I need to knock you down again?[/color]" then she heard something quite unexpected from her fallen opponent, it sounded at first like he was simply coughing up blood which he actually was but then the coughing turned into raggedly breathed laughter [color=808080]"I wrong..."[/color] the dragonborn wheezed [color=808080]"You fight like warrior,"[/color] slightly lifting himself from the bloodstained snow, Zagren looked up to Foxfire with the same toothy grin as before, wiping the blood dribbling down his chin [color=808080]"I, Zagren would..."[/color] the dragonborn sounded like he was recanting something like a vow between hacking up a globule of blood [color=808080]"...gladly die fighting by your side."[/color] he struggled with the words to form a longer sentence but managed to speak clearly despite his struggle with the common tongue. To say that Foxfire was surprised by Zagren's words and joy is an understatement. She was used to having guys bigger than her spout curses and vow vengeance on her after she kicks their butts in a fight. She was ready to quip with '[I]The bigger they are, the harder they fall,[/I]' but even she knew that wasn't the right response. "[color=f26522]Uh...[/color]" She looks around, looking for someone she can ask a question to, but she opted to whisper to herself, "[color=f26522][I]Did...I just make a friend?[/I][/color]" She then decides to respond to Zagren, "[color=f26522]Ok...Cool...Uh...Don't forget to apologize to the gnome! Yeah![/color]" And with that, she heads back into the inn.