[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/696701994790027387/861929953271349288/2DaZRZ0.png[/img] There was no time to talk and ask questions though. This was something Thomas realised almost immediately after his question, whatever answer Riku was about to reply with crushed and muted under a roar unlike any other he'd heard before. It tore through his senses, near deafening as the cavern shook with the force of it. Though it seemed omnipresent due to its immense volume, the source of that guttural howl was easy to spot. In fact, it was about all that the boy could 'spot'. A colossal beast, coated in dark, shimmering scales, contrasted only by a light underbelly and light blue patterns that streaked along its large, muscular body. Soulless marble-like eyes framed a face which inspired only terror, with teeth that looked as sharp as its claws, not to mention the pointed twin blades that tapered off its tail. Its wings meant that there was no room for confusion as to what this thing was, allowing it to soar up high and, in the process, rip open the very cave they were in like a paper birdcage. The dazzling light that now shone forth with the absence of walls and ceilings sealing it away made the creature seem almost angelic, a sheen of radiance shining around its majestic form. But this was no angel. No, this was a dragon. Another roar, and the state of awe and fear which had kept Thomas subservient and frozen for the duration of the dragon's appearance snapped away just like that. That didn't mean he wasn't still feeling both of those aforementioned emotions, amongst plenty of others, but he now instead fuelled himself with those feelings, not waiting for Riku to get up off him as he kicked himself up off the ground. He held the princess in both arms, carrying her much like a knight from a fairy tale would. Except he definitely wasn't taking on this dragon alone. This thing looked like it would take more than just a single stab to get rid of. Luckily though, it didn't seem like he was alone anymore. The newfound light that had flooded the cavern clearly revealed the locations of his fellow party members, all of whom by now seemed to be aware of the giant dragon raging overhead. In fact, Thomas clearly saw one of those party members rushing over to him and Riku at that very moment. Akiko? Thomas thought it odd that she would be the one to approach the two of them, especially given that he'd barely spoken to her since his arrival, but at this point he definitely wasn't going question it. He held Riku tight as he ran to meet Akiko in the middle, calling out a question before he'd even stopped in front of her. [color=violet]"What do we need to do?!"[/color] Part of Thomas wanted to ask something else, like what exactly was going on or where the hell this dragon came from. After all, it was like it had appeared from nowhere. But, given the circumstances, that could all wait. What needed to happen now was action. Still though, the boy couldn't help but feel some shred of familiarity from the beast hung high above the group. Like a deep-seated presence he could recognise, but it was too distant to decipher. But how was that? What was there to recognise in the face of an animal that only screamed of death?