Ferrin's tail planted itself on the ottoman, starting to look around the room. The longer he looked, though, the more confused he seemed to get, perfectly shown right on his facial expression. Nothing was making sense in this room. The fire wasn't any warmer here than it had been when he first stepped into the room, the lighting didn't match the sources, and...wait, weren't there supposed to be windows...? Something definitely wasn't right here. And he needed his answers before they got started. However, as he turned back to the door, he heard a soft [i]click[/i] as the door behind them was pulled shut, and then locked in place. His eyes widened a bit, and he jumped back to his feet again. "Whoa, wait a second," he said, moving to the door, grabbing the handle and turning, yanking on it, finding that it was, indeed, locked tight. He might be able to break it down if he really needed to, but he definitely didn't want to resort to that. However, he did let out a frustrated growl. "Hey, what is this!?" he would call at the door as he pulled at it to no avail. However, when Arma spoke up, he turned back around to face the others again. "...Escape?" he said. "Ugh...oh c'mon, and here I was thinking...." He then shook his head. "Great. Not really what I was expecting, but...." The Scorchio's words trailed off there as his attention was grabbed by the nearby bookshelf; or more specifically, just above the bookshelf, where glowing words were beginning to form.... "T...Tri...al...of...wi-wisdom...?" he murmured lowly. "Is...is that what that says? What does [i]that[/i] mean?"