Most of my ideals focus on social wellness, a government that clearly serves us, and individual equality. Party lines do not bother me so much, but attitude and voting histories do. I have unfortunately never found a candidate I wholly supported because of the latter, especially. The notion of a candidate who can speak well and says exactly what they mean is generally attracting, but I know that how one speaks and what they've pledged support to first tells the story of their intentions and second where pressure may bend them. In my voting life I can honestly say that so far I haven't voted for many right wing politicians of any position -- loads of otherwise though. My political beliefs mirror my hopes for my daughter. I want this to be a country she can be proud of, that she can support and that will support her in her ambitions. I care deeply about anything to do with rights, question laws that clearly impact the poor and people of colour negatively, and would fight to increase our support of education. In the latter I would hope we would better educate our youth about politics and the impacts they may or may not see on their own lives. I don't believe our government does not respond to us simply because of corruption, though that's a significant concern, but also because so few are politically active. Protesting comes with a strange, dismissive stigma and unfortunately politics may not feel important to young voters. Basically, I'll support whatever group that will better educate the masses, underscore human rights, and challenge the devaluing of minorities and the poor. You know, I want a government I can be proud of.