[center][h1][i][b]The Pieces to Pick Up[/b][/i][/h1][/center] [center][h3][i]The Champions of Homura[/i][/h3][/center] [hr] All of Keltra was continually afire and illuminated with cosmic light which coalesced into an immense radiant pillar that arose skyward and pierced the heavens. Outside of the fortress which still stood and formed the firm foundation of this celestial tower, there was little sound that came from the otherworldly phenomenon. Its presence seemed to defy comprehension, eliciting no more change in the world beyond Keltra, aside from the incredible visual spectacle; the largest tamed bonfire upon the Galbar that history had seen so far. Within the Keep itself, the source of this great display watched as three blind girls attempted to familiarize themselves with their environment, and wondered whether she should bother with offering assistance. Charis the Red Wing Healing the Faithful, the colossal spirit summoned by Homura in answer to Pride’s prayers, found herself examining her new home: the lack of any architectural flourish and diverse color, the evident absence of furnishings and other miscellaneous things gathered that transform a mere dwelling into a proper residence - hmm… her locus was rather boring by itself, it seemed. The six-winged spirit turned her attention to the trio that falteringly stood now upon the center of a massive upright palm, and she spoke with her multitude of voices that repeatedly mingled between a euphonious cadence and dreadful cacophony which would under usual circumstances inebriate the minds of mortals which heard her speak. [i]“Why do you stumble around? Are you hurt?”[/i] She asked the three champions, and her gigantic head loomed over them. Charis was careful not to harm the numerous tiny creatures that filled the structure, though except for these three that had become members of some bond they now shared with her, the remaining thousands upon thousands were all entombed within the scarlet stone that was shaped like a sea of hands held together. There was nowhere comfortable for the spirit to alight, but fortunately she was not truly a physical creature that required things like a roost to rest in, despite being born with the tendency to enjoy such comforts. Some alterations will have to be made for her locus, Charis concluded. “We still can’t see... Could you help us find my scepter, so we can free the others?” Pride replied with a hint of panic in her little voice, wandering aimlessly across the large palm upon her hands and knees as she searched for the missing artifact. Kindness and Curiosity helped hunt for the scepter, but none had discovered its location yet, and with her keen sight, Charis had already ascertained that there was no scepter to be found where they were. Foolish creatures unable to understand their own surroundings was something that irked the great being that hovered above them. [i]“Your toy flew away from your grasp when I arrived. I recall seeing it soar in that direction…”[/i] Charis idly gestured towards and then peered where she had seen the small golden scepter being tossed towards, while noting that finding it among the endless horde of hands may be a difficult task, even for one such as herself. “An astute observation, however we are incapable of perceiving which direction you are referring to. Such… negligent assistance you provide…” Kindness impassively remarked, before bumping her head into Curiosity’s and letting out a groan of frustrated pain. “It’s not a toy! We need it to protect our kin, so please help us retrieve it. You know, you’re to blame for some of this after all, couldn’t you have been less explosive when you came.” The Keeper of Keltra exclaimed, equally frustrated - but Charis could see the tears of grief that the small champion was attempting to hide. All three of the blind girls were struggling to come to terms with their situation and trying to cope with their newfound pain, the six-winged spirit realized. [i]“I shall remember that profuse sacred power results in blindness, little ones. Now I will help you, lest all the sleeping vessels and the lone infant suffocate.”[/i] Charis chimed, and her words were followed by the rush of massive wings which once again buffeted the three exposed champions, almost tossing them from the upright palm. The interior of the keep provided her with only a minimal amount of space to move, but she was able to realign and shift herself enough to better examine the western section which she sought to investigate. There were thousands of stony appendages containing those that slumbered, creating a labyrinth of scarlet stone and shadows which easily hid the small scepter among itself. Charis twisted and turned her head, letting her brilliant aura shine upon anything that would reflect its light, as opposed to all of the animated structure itself which seemed to only absorb it. Much time passed, and Charis continued her search while listening to Kindness console Curiosity and Pride. The loss of their sister and their sight, along with whatever trials and tribulations the cruelty of the world had thrown at them, had finally taken its toll. There was a sudden golden glitter as the shadows between hands parted to reveal the powerful relic, and Charis hummed with satisfaction. [i]“I have discovered the whereabouts of your missing scepter. Allow me to guide you towards it… follow my voice.”[/i] She held out her giant claw beside the upright palm holding the three champions, letting them slowly cross onto her limb and then swiftly traverse the vast expanse of the keep’s interior with a single motion, Afterwards, the great spirit gently deposited them atop the hand closest to the scepter, and with careful steps, the trio descended to the floor to retrieve the little artifact. Keltra stirred as Pride grasped her scepter and called upon its strength. Without the ability to perceive the changes made, the small champion solely reshaped the stone she saw through the eyes of the trapped and isolated Courage, and as her sister leapt forth with newfound freedom, Pride continued to restore the keep to its previous shape through her expanded sight. As this happened, Charis pondered the true potential of the connection these sisters shared after observing the unified coordination between them, all while reducing the brightness of her blessed aura plus the repeated rearranging herself to avoid obscuring sections of the keep that Pride was intent upon reshaping. Courage was actually the first living being to witness the otherworldly majesty of the spirit known as Charis the Red Wing Healing the Faithful, and she stood lost in wonder for an ephemeral moment. The spirit was so large that it barely fit within the interior of the keep, easily twice the size of the colossi outside - and it possessed six gargantuan wings covered in fiery feathers and shimmering scales. It seemed an amalgam of creatures, resembling the serpents, avians, and equines of the world. Two eyes, larger than her entire body, stared back at the champion with an alien intelligence that conveyed only cryptic emotions, and Courage observed that she could fit at least a hundred clones of herself in the jaws of this titanic creature. “Holy Salt… uh, I’m Courage, nice to meet you, ya.” [i]“I did not realize so many of you would look so similar. How strange… You may call me either Charis or Faith, if you like. [/i] Charis replied, and allowed the champion to dash towards her three sisters unhindered. The great spirit watched as over one hundred thousand dormant bodies were swiftly freed from their stone shells, including a baby surrounded by comfy cushions and décor beside the Eternal Fire, and the soldiers imbued with the power of the one that had accompanied her Mother in the world beyond these protective walls. So many tiny creatures, Charis mused to herself. The four champions of Homura spoke with few words and gestures, and mostly communicated through thoughts and emotions that Charis could not quite discern, but sensed the presence of as their minds interacted with the Eternal Fire. Courage saw that the white luminous scars had manifested upon her sisters as well, and they were adorned with similarly white streaks and splotches. Time passed once again, and there was little conversation aside from assessing the outcome of their sister’s betrayal and Zima’s escape. A few suggestions were made, but the concluding census was an agreement to wait for both Wanderer and the two Divine to return. Charis chose to provide her own guidance as well: [i]“So long as the Eternal Fire persists, Mother will return. As there are none here that possess the knowledge to restore your eyes, we must be patient. Evil may wreak havoc upon the world, but there is little any of you can do to prevent it in your current state. Keltra is well defended, let us rest longer until we are ready.”[/i] She stated, softly soaring in circles against the ceiling of the keep, her silent motion in contrast with her immense size easily bewildering the senses. Even Courage, Kindness, Curiosity, and Pride felt their minds swim through a barely perceptible haze that was the aura of the colossal spirit. The shifting symbols of the Gnosis continued to spread and recede, in their undulating dance across each sorcerer’s skin, as they all concentrated on their spells. Despite their blindness, the three physical members of the Order of the Phoenix could see, and each moved with the same precise grace they possessed before losing the usage of their eyes. Courage found herself bewildered by the way her sisters were relying upon the Incantation of Seeing to visualize their surroundings within the theater of their minds. Their gathered focus provided them a complete understanding of the keep, but also prevented them from expanding their senses beyond Keltra. The short-haired champion knew how much Pride utilized her sorcery to watch the world, and knew that this limited sight was inducing dread in her little sister, despite how much Pride tried to continually conceal her emotions. “Fear’s gone, and we let Zima get away…” Courage said with a sigh before continuing, “Two of the Divine are weak and sick, and we’ve no idea where they went… All of us have been weakened as well! This is what the taste of defeat feels like, ya! We knew when we stood up against our Maker that there’d be tough times… and yet we insisted! So listen to me! We’re strong enough to survive this, and press onward, when we fight together. We all want to make the world a better place, but there’s going to be those that seek to trip us. No matter what happens though… we have to always get back up!” Her words were kindling, fuel to ignite the strength and otherworldly power that suffused all of them, and the fortress itself. “So long as the Eternal Fire persists, we can’t give up!” She shouted with conviction, and set her gaze upon her sisters. Though they were blind, they could see, and the vision of their sister staring at them weighed heavily on their minds, calling upon them to make a choice. “We must continue on our journey, where I am certain our sister is waiting for us… It would be premature to assume we have lost this war, so I will continue to fight.” Kindness stated, accepting the Blade of Mourning from her sister, and holding the weapon with a tight grip, knowing the burden of what the weapon would represent. “Hate won’t heal our wounds, we’ve got to help each other. We can’t let go of our dreams that easily! I will continue to protect those I love.” Curiosity reaffirmed, cradling the resting Rowan in her arms, her entirely white eyes now matching the pale white of his hair. Her hands managed to convey the tenderness and compassion that her face currently lacked, as she cared for the baby. “Yes, we all will! We’re going to get stronger, and find a way to change things. No more pain and being broken - It’s approaching time we walk farther down the Sacred Path than we ever thought possible! We’re the Heralds of Honor after all, and we’ll keep on moving on until our last breath!” Courage proclaimed as she paced back and forth before her sisters with evident resolve in her stride. She stopped and closed her covered hand into a fist, then held the clenched Golden Gauntlet aloft; the simple action was potent enough as it inspired the blinded champions. It drew upon and ushered a new tune that filled the hall; a gentle humming and the unseen playing of instruments. The runes of the Gnosis glowed with power, and whispered in their ears - another unknown ritual for them to perform. They all began their prayers, kneeling in a circle with their hands clasped in front of them and speaking softly in unison: [center][b][i]King in Heaven, O Radiant Ruler of Reality, The Undefeated, Invincible, and Unbreakable, We weep with shame…[/i][/b][/center] [center][b][i]With broken and bloody bodies, and tainted souls, Glory in our hearts, and burning victory on our minds, Triumph swelling within us, beating fiercely, We praise thee, and ask for forgiveness…[/i][/b][/center] [center][b][i]Forgive us for what we asked in our ignorance, Forgive us for what we have done in our ignorance, And forgive us for what we have yet to do…[/i][/b][/center] [center][b][i]Mightiest Cosmic Emperor, O Great Lord of the Galbar, The Unchained, Vigorous, and Undying, We shed tears of light…[/i][/b][/center] [center][b][i]With love and wonder, and sacred songs, Gratitude in our voices, and ancient reverence as we dance, The otherworldly melody guides us, softly, We praise thee, and ask for strength…[/i][/b][/center] [center][b][i]The strength to stand against despair, The strength to lift our limbs and march forward, And the strength to bring beauty to this world…[/i][/b][/center] [center][b][i]We are your loyal servants, And we wish ever in accordance with your will, We praise thee, O Creator.[/i][/b][/center] The music within Keltra had reached a heavenly crescendo, and then slowly shifted back to the ambient music that filled the hall prior. The four champions of Homura remained positioned in a ring, still kneeling, but they had unclasped their hands and smiled at each other. Charis found herself amused watching these events transpire, and allowed herself to playfully purr as she languidly continued circling high above. [i]“It is darkest before the coming of dawn, little ones. However, blessed night need not be frightening for those that understand the sacred nature of darkness. The Divine are both our greatest allies and our greatest foes upon our journey through the unknown, though there are many other threats as well…”[/i] The words of the Phoenix then hung ominously over Keltra, as its inhabitants pondered what awaited them in the future. [hider=Summary]-Keltra is enveloped in the light of Charis, creating a 25 mile high bonfire where the fortress stood. -Kindness, Curiosity, and Pride are assisted by Charis, helping the trio find the Scepter of Keltra. -Courage, the Recusant, the sleeping vessels, and Rowan are freed from the stone shells that shielded them from the earlier conflict. -The champions of Homura recover from their difficult experiences, and find their resolve, offering prayers to the Monarch of All.[/hider] [hider=Spirit]Charis gains 3 Spirit. (+1 minimum, +1 main character, +1 medium) Courage, Kindness, Curiosity, and Pride gain 2 Spirit. (+1 minimum, +1 medium)[/hider] [hider=Prestige]The Order of the Phoenix gains 1 Prestige.[/hider]