If you were ever in doubt, Petal, it vanishes the moment you touch your Chen's shoulders and you feel her tension melt into you along with her weight. She's always going to be a mix, your little Chen. She obviously loves being in charge of you, but she loves being held so much and there's no way you can ever get tired of how good it feels to wrap her all up and feel the way she nestles into you. It makes her stronger, too. You can feel that in the way she breathes, just taking in your body, your scent, her nose close against your skin, and her breaths become stronger and calmer. She looks up and grins. "No you're right, six thousand foxes on this boat, and not a one of them could tie me up and pamper me as well as you can, Petal. Not with every fox wish in the world because I'd just wish for you to do it." She smiles and kisses your arm without turning around, her teeth nibbling playfully. "And besides, what good would my promise be if I stopped the second we got out of port just because it turned out that every fox in the Nine Kingdoms is Cyanis?" Chen turns properly now and gives Petal a kiss on the lips and stands all the way up on her tippy toes so she can whisper "Love you, Petal" and be heard over the yells of foxes aboard the ship. Then, she draws her new crystal sword (finally replaced from the Sky Castle) and raises it up towards the sky so that the sunlight above the water glitters and glistens as though Chen were holding a bar of molten gold up to the sky. "Listen!" she shouts and brings the sword down with a crash upon the deck, sending out a wave of radiating magic that booms across the deck of the ship, from the prow where she's standing with Rose all the way to the stern, giving the foxes pause. She grins then, in the way she always seems to grin when she's making demands, like it's all fun but also like she's going to eat you. Her tail flicks behind her eagerly and she starts to speak like she's the ship's captain. "You're all going to calm down and be good girls until we reach the shore. The [i]far[/i] shore, where we'll let you off to go make the world a little more chaotic and happy. Won't that be fun? Also, anyone who doesn't behave will be bound, gagged, and tossed in the pool." Chen's ears twitch, and she twirls and sends Cyanis (who was climbing at them from the outside rail of the ship for an ambush) flying across the deck with a swipe of her sword, flying after her to demonstrate her point with a rope that she trails over the completely innocent fox as quick as she can, pulling her hands tight and then quickly gagging her before she can talk her way out of it and, with a bit of effort given her size, rolling the poor fox into the swimming pool. "I mean it!" Before she goes into full on fox whapping mode, however, Chen has a glance back to her Rosepetal. Well more than a glance, something like a long soulful gaze with a warm smile. Because she wants you to know, Petal, that she's getting all this strength from you, and she wants you to know too that she's always paying attention to you and wants to make sure you're having fun on this trip too (also her eyes are devouring you, one piece swimsuit and all. It's very clear that there is no place she'd rather be looking). [Chen will accept Rose's comfort and support, taking an XP and +1 forward. She will spend that +1 on enticing the foxes: 2+3+3+1=9. Either she gets a string on them, or they pick from the options. She also gets an XP for accepting Rose's faith in her.]