Chen takes a breath and is still. The initial run of foxes had been fun. Lots of twirling and dancing, some tail twisting and flinging, and a bit of pool tossing. Chen loved the way she and Petal worked together, strength and motion and mixing as they danced in time. It never got old either. Sometimes one or the other could lead, and Petal could change her cadence so well, shifting her size and her coordination so that Chen might have to step in different ways. That was one of the things Chen really loved about swordplay and dancing. You got to mix training and instinct in all these amazing ways. All the work with feet and core balance gave you the kind of knowledge to understand how your body could move, it opened up possibilities. Then on top of that, you got to make the actual choices about what felt right, what felt strong or weak, agile or slow, what made your heart beat fast and your face grow hot. That was special. So, even though foxes didn't put up much of a fight, rounding them all up and just vibing with Petal made it incredibly special. Then it had gone quiet and she had started to really understand what Keron's life must have been like. Tails flitting down the end of corridors. Whispered giggles, always distant. Locked doors and empty hallways. Never peaceful though because everything was on her and Petal to be ready to respond, to not let their guard down. She started to understand why Keron might have trained an entire castle worth of handmaidens and really spent that time working with them. If she hit just that right spot where she was molding them to her own vision but at the same time molding them the way they wanted to be molded, they'd be loyal and see into all the places she couldn't be. That was really smart. Also something that Chen did not have time for right now. Then she strolls out onto the deck and her moment of delight at being near enough to the shore to make out distant figures is instantly quashed when she realizes that they're a giant monastic order there to stop her. Or well...orders. She can see a whole mixture of outfits and colors, only a handful wear the same uniforms, a lot are just in casual clothes. So, her plan must have gotten out. She wondered who the leak was (Cyanis), who could possibly have revealed all of this (Cyanis) just to make things harder and more fun (Cyanis did it). So, as Rose settled herself on the deck in a waiting maid's pose, Chen simply watched and took a breath. Then, she settles her sunglasses over her eyes to reduce the glare of staring into the sunset, walks a few steps behind Rose to one of the top deck refreshment booths, and grabs an already prepared drink in a pineapple, which she begins to sip in one hand as she flips her phone out in her other hand, tail swishing as she leans back and begins typing. [u]Princess Connect[/u] Chen (kitty): hey Chen (kitty): can anyone get me up to speed on how to do a big sunshard thing in like five minutes? Chen (kitty): like, a really big mobile magic zone centered on a cruise ship in the waters near cutie fox island Chen (kitty): asking for a friend