Hey! Here's my character, hope she fits the theme! Let me know if there's anything I can change or add. [hider=Louisa Faye] [list][*][u][color=0072bc][b]Name[/b][/color][/u]: Louisa Faye [*][u][color=0072bc][b]Age[/b][/color][/u]: 23 [*][u][color=0072bc][b]Gender[/b][/color][/u]: Female [*][u][color=0072bc][b]Appearance[/b][/color][/u]: An tall young woman with short fair hair (apparently cut by herself or otherwise cut badly by someone else), a pale complexion and dull blue eyes. Her build is angular and muscular, with any fat that might have gone towards a charming feminine physique ruthlessly utilized elsewhere. [*][u][color=0072bc][b]Personality[/b][/color][/u]: Louisa (or 'Lou' as she is more commonly known) is approachable, straightforward, and rational in her demeanor, but internally she is haunted by a constant feeling of malaise and dissonance with regards to the path her life has taken, as if her mind has never quite caught up to the massive and traumatic changes of the last five years (i.e. the world ending, moving to the other side of the world, and becoming an experimental bio-weapon), or as if by some vague yet terrible mistake she has ended up living someone else's story. As a result, she can appear distant, or uninterested, or forgetful, and it can take a while for others to make an impression on her. In a practical sense, this resulted in her scoring below average on the psychometric tests of leadership and psychostability issued during her induction to the mechframe programme. [*][u][color=0072bc][b]History[/b][/color][/u]: [hider=History]Louisa grew up in an utterly unremarkable and featureless housing development somewhere in the English midlands. At 18, she was working part-time as an agricultural worker, whilst her few friends had left to attend university elsewhere in the country, and looking with anxiety towards a decidedly uninteresting future. Needless to say, her plans of small-town angst were cut short when the Warped appeared, and disaster after disaster after disaster followed. Her family was not among those lucky enough to be at the front of the queue of evacuees awaiting resettlement, and after almost two years of delays and confusion they ended up stuck in a temporary housing settlement when an outbreak of Warped swept through. Louisa was seriously injured, but not fatally, and with the queue of evacuees infront of them substantially shortened by the attack, within a week her family was abled to receive settlement inside the Greater London Fortified Zone. With the medical services under massive strain, Louisa was given rushed and largely inadequate triage surgery for her wounds, and kicked out with little more than a dose of antibiotics and a prayer. Almost miraculously - or, in hindsight, suspiciously - she seemed to recover successfully with incredible speed, and disappeared into the obscurity of the desperate millions clining onto civilization. Two years later, whilst receiving an X-ray for a fractured rib she received whilst working as a labourer on the city walls, she was surprised when a squad of men resembling a SWAT team in business suits unceremoniously black-bagged her and tossed her into emergency military quarantine. It turned out that whatever doctor had triaged her two years previously had not noticed, or at least not considered, the Echidna parasite well-established but apparently dormat in her body. The following months - was it a year now? - passed as a blur, as after threats of jailtime, medical experimentation, and exile were thrown around, Louisa met with a woman representing a Japanese organization launching some kind of scholarship programme targetted at rare parasitized but stable humans. She offered protection, evacuation and specialist training to Louisa, with apparently no strings attached. With weeks of isolation and a lifetime of boredom pressing on her mind, it was the easiest choice she had ever made. [hr] [/hider] [*][u][color=0072bc][b]Skills[/b][/color][/u]: Louisa does not have many party tricks. She had few hobbies before the end of the world, and fewer after. Her main penchant is her raw physical potential, possessing a strong naturally frame trained by (at this point) years of labour and occassional contact rugby with her local evacuee community team. In a professional capacity as a mechframe pilot, this makes her a reliable and competitive training partner. In an everyday capacity, this means she can... get the lids off jars with ease, carry heavy bags, and move furniture without any trouble. [*][u][color=0072bc][b]Chi-Mechframe[/b][/color][/u]: Grendel [list][*][u][color=0072bc][b]Appearance[/b][/color][/u]: [hider=Mechframe Appearance][img]https://i.imgur.com/GPMHHuE.png[/img][/hider] [*][u][color=0072bc][b]Abilities[/b][/color][/u]: The Grendel Chi-Mechframe was developed using a core taken from a monstrous, heavily armoured wyrm-like Warped, inspiring a bulky design with high-density plating. The frame is not designed to be maneuverable or fast, instead opting for sheer mass and defensive capabilities, allowing the user to pull off a high impact charge once or twice to insert them into the center of combat, and then giving them the protection to endure staying in place afterwards. In line with this, Louisa has trained in a static, highly defensive style of combat, opting to tie down enemies, get in their way, and otherwise provide openings for her teammates to do their thing. Grendel comes with an attuned heavy glaive, that can be thrown at short range and recalled to the mechframe. The glaive itself is configurable, extending either to its default glaive-configuration or retracting to form a cleaver sword. In essence, Grendel is uncomplicated and elegant, harnessing the Warped power of a Chi-Mechframe into a classic suit of frontline armour.[/list] [*][u][color=0072bc][b]Other:[/b][/color][/u]: N/A.[/list] [/hider]