[right][sub][color=bca346]S E R A P H I M A D R A K O S[/color][/sub] [img]https://i.imgur.com/u6oxlyH.jpg[/img][/right][right][color=black][sup][sup]________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/sup][/color][/right] Her soup ended up being miso soup, with a side of rice, seaweed salad, and some salmon. She had meant to eat lighter, but the Japanese cuisine available seemed so delectable in a healthy speaking manner. She had studied Japan before agreeing to become a Frame Pilot. There were several cultural styles she enjoyed that crossed over from the monastic life. Healthy eating was one of them. Of course, she did not take into account that they would be going into a mission so early in the morning. The alarm sounded after the teasing and child-play had started to simmer down. Seraphima had only been a part of this routine on several occasions. She preferred to stay out of the perpetual motion of verbal jousting. However, avoiding it would mean not being a Fame Pilot and living on the ground, fearing attacks of the Warped. Not only would be feel useless, but the teasing gave some rights of entertainment and team building. Coincidentally, it made the battle field a tiny bit more exciting. [right][color=black][sup][sup]________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/sup][/color][/right] After she activated her mechaframe, she went into action. There was something about putting on the suit that changed her. Seraphima felt different as a person or whole. Maybe it was the activation of the Warped creature. Caspian Koi or...? She preferred the Japanese references about koi fish turning into dragons. She felt her soul shifting into something powerful, beyond her control, yet she was still able to control it. It was a miraculous feeling, and she would not let it go to waste. This brought in her serious demeanor. Infernus had scorched the area. Many of the Warped had been torched, but there were some who had escaped, just like the her -- she had escaped being turned into a Warped. A smirk grinned on her face. She was ready for action. No matter how minuscule the task, pick-up sticks this time around, she enjoyed her time in K-01. She was no longer Seraphima, the docile monastic study. She was a serious fighter, saving not just lives but the world.