[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939472500310544384/947034463869763584/Teodora_Banner.png[/img][/center] [hr]Place(s): Battlefield - Saitama Prefecture Time: Afternoon Interaction(s): Other members of the Defense Team [hr]Three streaks of light blue energy beams followed by three identical, powerful [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDQbu32cx1A]sounds[/url] rained down from the sky toward the horde of Warped charging at the Japanese forces, extinguishing the lives of three oni-esque Warped in quick succession; two having their head vaporized while a smaller one was sliced in half by the beam that killed it. [color=CCCCFF]"First three! Hehe~"[/color] Fully braking from her descent. Teodora remained hovering about 10 meters above the frontmost of the Japanese forces' defensive line, an excited smile on her face. [color=CCCCFF]"My my, it seems like the vanguard teams did their job quite admirably indeed!"[/color] she said as she surveyed the battlefield. A sizable force of Warped were still heading toward the Japanese forces, however, and she quickly prepared to proceed with her next action to oppose their advance. [color=CCCCFF]"Fortunately... Still many more targets available for me to frag. Fufu, now then... I suppose I'll get up close and personal and let them dance with my trusty Uragan (Hurricane)!"[/color] She then got into a neutral combat stance with her rapier, the weapon she affectionately gave the name to, held perfectly straight vertically in front of her face. Power started building up within the engines of her wings, with blue glowing light visible from within the exhaust, telltale of an imminent burst of jetfire about to propel her forward right into the mass of advancing Warped. “[b]Morning comrades,[/b]” the voice suddenly sounded through the intercoms channel, just in time to make her pause and stop her charge. It was quite fortunate that the oldest and only male member of the team spoke up then, as in reality Teodora had quickly forgotten what her task was supposed to be in her eagerness to 'score some points' in her 'game' of killing the Warped. As part of the Defense Team, she most definitely was not supposed to advance far in front of the Japanese forces. She replied through the intercoms [color=CCCCFF]"Oh, good morning indeed Mr. Lang!"[/color] She then briefly contemplated Xuan-Yu's words; [color=CCCCFF][i]My, was I supposed to be on overwatch duty? Riiight. I must have forgotten! Silly me![/i][/color]; before then speaking up again [color=CCCCFF]"Indeed, indeed. I shall be performing as overwatch. You can count on me to be your eyes in the sky, my dear comrades! Moving into position!"[/color] Thus, Teodora performed a small burst using her wings that propelled her upward until she were hovering about 30 meters above the ground. The altitude provided a good line of sight for her without compromising her ability to effectively spot and react to the enemy targets, a good balance for her task. [color=CCCCFF]"Supplice, holding position~"[/color] She then quickly surveyed the area, finding out that the current wave of Warped advancing on their position were composed of the typical variety and of manageable number; nothing worth alarming any of her other team member about. [color=CCCCFF][i]Next time, Uragan. You will yet get your chance to shine.[/i][/color] She smirked as she mused, once more aiming her beam rifle at the advancing enemies. Two more streaks of light blue energy beams fell from the sky followed by the awe-inspiring sounds, and two more low-level Warped received their sweet release of death from their agonizing existence.