[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220224/1a08325c574ede6bf1f33f5d5eaf9cdd.png[/img][/center] A chill ran up Norika's spine, and she scowled. The big bastard wouldn't be laughing for long. "Copy that, Kim. Good hunting." With a single thought, the blades on Titania's arms switched to offensive mode. The Chi-Mechframe's heads-up display was keeping up with the freak's movements despite all that was going on. She lunged forward blades-first, lines of blue light beginning to glow along Titania's frame as she prepared an attack. Priority one: neutralize the enemy's reach. Easier said than done when an enemy had reach like this Warped. But Norika was more than happy to separate those arms from the freak's body. She crossed the blades in an X shape, and the glow emanating from her suit grew brighter. "Titania! Fairy Dance!" Her body began moving faster. Each movement had a deadly grace, and every swing of her blades either deflected an attack or severed a limb. [@PKMNB0Y][@VitaVitaAR]