[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939472500310544384/947034463869763584/Teodora_Banner.png[/img][/center] [hr]Place(s): Battlefield - Saitama Prefecture Time: Afternoon Interaction(s): Other members of the Defense Team [hr][center][h3]The Naughty Komainu & The Sneaky... Something[/h3][/center] [color=CCCCFF][i]Looking good. Looking good indeed. Fufu, these Warped doesn't stand a chance![/i][/color] Teodora smiled as she continued surveying the battlefield while taking out of some of the Warped that were getting too close to the Japanese forces' defensive line. Things were far from over, but it really did seemed like the situation was starting to turn for the better. And add to that the decent number of Warped that she had personally fragged! She was getting quite giddy of her rising kill count. One thing however, was starting to bother her. [color=CCCCFF][i]Still... This is getting a bit boring, isn't it? It's just more of these oni-like Warped... Are there not supposed to be more variations? I'd love for some bigger target to show up right now...[/i][/color] It was then that the creature showed up, fulfilling Teodora's wish for a tougher foe. The truck-sized creature was anything but subtle, boldly announcing its presence to the entire Defense Team. It looked rather like a komainu, though unlike the komainu of the legends, this one was a rather naughty and destructive one. It definitely looked much tougher than the small fry Warped that had been charging at the Defense team; very much like a boss-class enemy. Of course, with its entrance being as bombastic as it was, Teodora immediately spotted it. An excited smile grew wider and wider on her face as she saw the creature charging at Louisa. [color=CCCCFF]"Oh my, finally a big one! Heads up, everyone! We got a big, big naughty dog attempting to breach through, heading straight for Grendel!"[/color] Teodora then pointed her rifle at the creature, ready to provide fire support. [color=CCCCFF]"Supplice, engag- Nggggg? Waaaait a minute, what-...?"[/color] Her words were cut off as she caught a very out of place shimmer out of the corner of her eyes. It was enough to cause her to fully turn to face toward the direction where she saw it. It was brief, and she couldn't seem to immediately spot anything that might be the source of the shimmer, causing her to wonder if her eyes had simply played some tricks on her... [color=CCCCFF][i]That felt veeery very wrong though. Like something reaaally fishy is going on.[/i][/color] Her guts were telling her otherwise. And thus she decided to give it a better look, focusing her sight on the area as she looked through the holosight of her rifle. For a few moments, she scanned the area without any result, causing her to start doubting her gut feeling. Then, just as her mind were telling her that she's wasting her time when there's a big and juicy target to frag... [color=CCCCFF]"Oh!"[/color] She gasped as she spotted it. Whatever it was, it wasn't perfectly invisible; it left faint traces, an almost transparent outline betraying its position along with its movements. And judging from the trajectory of its movement... While the komainu was being completely blatant and explosive with its advance, this one was the exact opposite. It was very obviously trying to go for a sneak attack against the soldiers now attacking the komainu. Teodora wasted no time. She was already looking down the holosight of her rifle anyway, with it pointed right at the sneaky near-invisible creature. Without hesitation, she fired three streaks of beams from her rifle in quick succession at it while at the same time notifying her teammates of the threat. [color=CCCCFF]"Watch out, everyone! We have another quirky Warped trying to flank our Japanese forces allies here! Kind of invisible, not sure what it is! I'm engaging!"[/color]