[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/brausepulver-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211126/aace1e560f997c5e9315e2012670d064.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][color=1A9D60][i]"Wait, what's Galmira doing? Oh shit oh fuck!"[/i][/color][/center] [@ShiningSector][@DracoLunaris] [hr] Galmira looked at the group, analyzing intently on everything the adventurer party has in store. Of particular note however, was the dead dragon that a certain woman seemed to have looted it’s corpse from. The dragoness transformed herself back into her human form, and stared at Catherine for a very long time. All the while Almira slowly noticed the sudden interest Galmira had towards a certain woman from the adventurer’s party. [color=1A9D60]“Galmira?”[/color] The dragoness didn’t respond. And she decided to only walk towards Catherine. All the while Almira could only freeze at the implication of Galmira burning all of these adventurer’s to the ground. [color=1A9D60]“Galmira. We have megafauna pacification devices, you know?”[/color] Almira tried warning her. [color=1A9D60]“Don’t do this Galmira. Please…”[/color] She signaled her team to prepare the devices. [color=1A9D60]“Make sure she doesn’t hurt anyone in case she tries something.”[/color] She ordered in English towards the rest of her team. While also slowly prepping her CQC stance in case shit hits the fan. The Dragoness approached Catherine eventually though, Almira not really willing to take any sudden action in case of some bad reaction from the adventurer’s party, and the Dragoness opened her mouth. [color=fff200]“Did he die fighting?”[/color] She simply asked. [color=fff200]“Did you defeat this Dragon in Combat?”[/color] Galmira’s expression was dead serious when she asked that question, she gave no indication about any emotions other than intensity. [color=fff200]“Answer truthfully. Your very lives depend on it.”[/color] While Galmira spoke. Almira quietly requested Q-T to record and transcribe the language she’s speaking into the Universal translator. She is speaking an entirely different language now. Seems like a mixture of French, German, English and Russian by the sound of it. But she’s not sure. [color=1A9D60]“Q-T, what did the translator say?”[/color] Almira whispered on her comms. [color=1A9D60]“Did the translator manage to make things out?”[/color] [hr] [center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5312701][img]https://i.imgur.com/4grpYJC.png[/img][/url][/center] [h3]--A tense standoff--[/h3] [@13org][@Shirly Swad][@Medili][@Martian] Srikandi was nervous about the whole issue. And the question that this Dragoness posed towards Catherine, she has a sinking feeling that Catherine might screw up. And everyone will get roasted by the potentially angry dragoness. Still, she fears interrupting the question might result in an even worse result for everyone. And with that in mind, she stares at Catherine, hoping that her eye movement and facial expression should be enough for Catherine to make the right decision. [color=50c8ff][b][i]C’mon Catherine. Don’t lie to the Dragoness, please please please… The last thing we need is a lie and a provocation right now.[/i][/b][/color]