A warm glow suffuses outward from Chen as she reaches out a hand and slowly curls it around the handle of the teacup, smiling at her Rosepetal. She takes her time, lifting the cup daintily, blowing on the steam and letting the warmth of the tea flow into the warmth coming off her face, and only then taking a delicate little sip. Her excited wiggling ears give the game away though, and it's obvious to all involved that she simply wants to stretch out the time that her Petal is held before her like this so that she can take her all in. The way that he skin shimmers under the light of the shard is something special, and not the sort of thing that Chen can get anytime she wants. She grins as she imagines ordering Petal to pose for her the entire time they're entertaining until she can salvage the rest of her paints. But of course she wouldn't deny her or Prim, Quick Ji and Blackleaf from their promised fun. So, instead she finishes her sip of tea, sighs in contentment, and smiles again. "Of course Petal, take your time, I'll come get you later. But not for a while." As for the light of that shard. Well, originally she had imagined that she'd do some kind of big shardsplosion. Like, the boat would pull up near the shore, and a thousand monks would all double backflip three sixty on the deck like Master Omets had done initially, and there'd be all this chaos as the foxes tried to throw each other in harms way to make their escape, and then Chen would do a pose and there'd be a big light explosion and suddenly, well she didn't know what exactly, but she thought maybe some of the monks would grow ears and a tail like her, or some of them would suddenly find themselves in different clothes or slightly different bodies maybe. Maybe some of them would just have something new suddenly in their hands, or they'd decide that they had better things to do. While meanwhile all the foxes would go chasing after their thousand and one beautiful dreams and be too busy doing that to hurt each other as they raced off the boat. It wasn't a perfect plan, she was sure some of the monks really wanted to be monks and some of the foxes really wanted to be maniacal fox girls, but she had figured that it would shake things up so much that the ship could dock and they'd get everybody off and running for the hills. But instead it hadn't gone like that. Chen was still rather fuzzy on the details actually, but she and Rose had raced about the ship putting out fires and addressing cackling foxes and somehow the monks had just all checked their phones and decided that actually this was fine. Chen hadn't seen Master Omet's phone like Rose had, but she got that something had been shared among them all and they were in agreement. So, that left Chen with all this built up sunshard energy and instead of being a sunsplosion, it had become something more like a suffusion. Gentle rays of golden light were pouring off the tiara on her brow, casting everything in an angelic glow. It was most intense right with her, but even there it wasn't burningly bright. It was a happy, gentle yellow-orange that gave off a friendly pulse every few seconds and warmed everything nearby. It had started with just the ship, but had spread all across it, below decks, and even to the surface. It didn't really seem to be doing anything drastic either. The best Chen could say is that the shrieking, screaming, scampering foxes seem to have managed a more effective departure from the ship than might have been expected despite all the scampering and screaming in the process. But, it did make the tea taste good. Spicy, like she was drinking chai with cinnamon, cardamom, and a little brown sugar, even though there hadn't been time to properly boil those sorts of ingredients. So, that leaves her sipping her inexplicable chai across from Master Omets, simultaneously completely certain about the place she's made for herself in the world and entirely uncertain about what comes next. "So..." she manages, then fidgets into a different position. "So, it's done then. I um, kept my promise to Cyanis and it was a lot of fun. And I, um, kind of expected thousands of monks to assault the ship, but you didn't, which was really nice. So, Master um, Omets. What now?"