[color=yellow]"You're not afraid of a fight?"[/color] Kengetar asked. Melody stared down the man for a moment, unsure of where he was taking this. [color=yellow]"Then prove it,"[/color] he added, clenching his fists. The Yallan smiled at the Sedent, then chuckled. "You must be joking." But it was obvious that Kengetar was dead serious. Still with her eyes on him, Melody tilted her head toward the tent flap, knowing that Broon was just outside and likely already crouched and ready to attack to protect his Lady. "[i]You will not enter this tent under any circumstances, Kapiten. Is that understood?[/i]" The flap opened a bit more and the confused voice of Broon asked, "M'lady...? Are you sure? What are--" "[i]Is that understood,[/i] Kapiten?" Melody repeated as she reached to her waist to unbuckle the belt that held her coin purse and, particularly, her dagger's sheath. She looked her Captain in the eye and stressed again, "Is that understood?" Broon was on the verge of disobeying Melody for the first time since he'd first been assigned to her in her late single digits ages. The little girl had wanted to peruse the stands in the marketplace of a town famous for kidnappings of girls of all Classes, and to prevent this, Broon had given her the same treatment Kengetar had given Frandy earlier. But after looking to the Sedent to see if he, too, was discarding his weapon as Melody had just done, he saluted his Lady and said before closing the flap, "I am your servant, m'lady. [i]But[/i], if he scars you, it will be my honor to do the same and [i]more[/i] to him once this ... [i]idiocy[/i] is concluded." Melody waved him away, looked to Kengetar, and raised her own clenched fists as she took a single step closer. Smiling wide, she asked with humor, "You're not afraid of getting your ass kicked by a [i]girl[/i] are you ... [i]barbarian?[/i]"