[@Lyla] I'm full up on RPs at the moment, but I just want to respond to you as one autistic person to another; you are not alone, sister. I know how it feels to [i]really[/i] struggle with metaphors, idioms, and all those things that non-autistic people just naturally 'get'. Three decades of life experience and I'm still clunky about it, the best I can do so far is having a mental list of sorts to recognize idioms and how to respond to it accordingly, but those are all a 'manual process' and not something I instinctively able to understand, as you may have felt yourself, it's mentally tiring to keep doing that, so I tend to be quite reclusive irl. Online, it's not so bad because there's more time to think about my responses (this is also the reason why I don't do voice chat). Even with all these, I still fuck up often and unwittingly offend people, which always blindsides me when someone suddenly respond in anger or become upset, "What did I do...?? Wtf??" I feel that all too often. I can't speak for your PTSD, Generalized Anxiety, and Persistent Depressive Disorder as I do not have them myself, but I do have minor symptoms relating to Compulsive Disorder such as always wanting certain things to be done a certain way and a strict adherence to routine, and I'll feel something's wrong if those routines aren't satisfied. To summarize, stay strong and try to enjoy life as best as you can. I sincerely wish you'll find a partner that can appreciate you as who you are and you appreciate them as who they are.