[@aia2022] Ashana frowned as the girl held up her hands in surrender, claiming to the woman she had nary a coin to her name. At least that's what she wanted Ashana to believe. Nevertheless, Ashana accepted her surrender with a disappointed sigh, flourishing her dagger before sheathing it in her belt. [color=ed145b]~"A shame."~[/color] She muttered. [color=ed145b]~"Fortunately for you, my dear, I'm in no mood to fight. I was hoping you would be an easy target, but seeing how you don't have anything worth pilfering, I suppose I'll move on to the next unlucky soul."~[/color] Her smile returned slightly however, a subtle curving of her lips as she resumed, [color=ed145b]~"That said, you do have a charming face. Perhaps our paths shall cross again on more...peaceful terms."~[/color] With that, Ashana gave a soft curtsey, not intending to mock the girl but out of respect. [color=ed145b]~"I bid you ado, my adorable lady. Farewell."~[/color] The Black Rose then sprung off her heels, leaping onto the nearby rooftop of the cobblestone house and taking off in a dead sprint across said roof. Perhaps she would see this young beauty again. Only time would tell. Besides, she didn't quite catch the girl's name... [hr] [@Dark Cloud] Elsewhere, a female figure garbed in white robes eyed the necromancer from far away. Her sapphire eyes gleamed with disdain, her petite nose curling upwards in a show of disgust. The wretched soul, she could practically smell the corruption seeping from his every pore, the rotting stench of carrion flesh and graveyard soil. How dare he defile the corpses of the resting dead. She had to fight all intentions of drawing the silver and gold hilted sword resting against her bare, unarmored thigh and ending the cretin's life in one fell swoop. [color=fff79a]"Defiler."[/color] She hissed under her breath, the words she spoke as sharp as her blade. [color=fff79a]"Debaser and defiler. Gods have pity on your wretched soul, for I shall have none."[/color] Ever closely and ever vigilantly she continued to watch him, just waiting for the opportune moment to strike and rain down the judgment of the divines upon him.