[center][color=FF8C00][img]https://i.imgur.com/1MvGTuH.png[/img] RANK 3 19/30 EXP [b]Sandswept Sky - Kinda, all over[/b][/color][/center] Now that the giant flying monster was in (relatively) safe hands, Raz returned his attention to the bell and its statues, along with the others. It seemed the psi-blast he fired off a moment ago went wide and only clipped one of the statue's elbows. His aim was a little rusty, it seemed. Mental note: uh, work on that later. After so much back and forth between everyone it was finally time to put the idea to the test. Targets were picked, attacks were levied, and Raz hung back a few feet from Jondo's edge. If that thing rang as loud as Redento said, he was worried about popping his eardrums. Though that turned out not to matter as the clapper simply fell right down to the bottom of the bell with a metallic thunk, not even ringing as a bell should. Raz couldn't say he wasn't a little disappointed by it. Part of it was for Redento's sake, the pilgrim having trekked here to witness this bell only for it to be a dud. A great, monstrous call sounded instead from deep inside Jondo, and for a moment Raz wondered if that was the bell's purpose, that whatever was down there was meant to be by whoever made it in the first place. Then common sense hit him and, no, this is obviously something bad and dangerous and needed to be dealt with. He never heard the sound before, but it drilled into his bones, a fear so potent it was like it reached inside his head and pressed right down on the amygdala. "Think we found what we were looking for," Raz said, trying to keep things light. Is was then that Midna and Sectonia directed the newly freed Phalanx back towards them, as the bell rumbled with enough force to nearly crumble the whole peak. Obviously, whatever was inside meant business. Luckily, Raz still had a lingering boost from when they got rocketed up the mountain - he pulled out his Levitation and let it pull him upwards, like a balloon in an updraft. He landed on Phalanx's back, somewhere at its midsection, and gripped its fur tight. "At least going down is a lot easier!" Raz's words were lost in the wind, threatening to pull him right off and turn him into a splatter against the mountain. His grip kept strong, though, and the monster's fur didn't tear from its body. The desert came up quicker than expected, and at such a speed that it was clear Phalanx was going to ram right into the ground, for whatever reason. Raz bailed before the colossus hit the sand, flinging himself sideways and using his Levitation to gently float the rest of the way down. Once he touched down, Raz looked to where the massive Champion had landed; not too far from them, and right next to Tostarena Town. "We have to help them!" Raz shouted, turning to the others as they first started their dash to the train. "This thing might, I dunno, go on a rampage down here and destroy that town! At least get it away from them!" Whether or not his words landed, Raz focused on the Champion and, as the dust began to clear, shot off a few of his Psi-Blasts. Most of them plinked off its hide, but one or two managed to hit it right in one of its many eyes. "Hey! Big and ugly! Uhh, yeah, that's right, I did that! Come get me!" It was a terrible strategy, Raz was already well aware of, but it was the only one he could think of quick. His Levitation ball popped into existence beneath him. He strafed on top of it, zig-zagging a short distance from Red Eye, continuing to pepper whatever it had for a face, trying to keep its hostility away from the town. "Ooh, that was a nice one! Bet that must've hurt!" Raz kept that up for as long as he was willing to risk; once the Champion began to move from its spot, he hightailed it backwards, bounding along the desert dunes towards the train, still flinging wild bolts at the thing in his efforts to protect Tostarena.[hr][center][color=FF8C00]Word Count: 701 [i]Boosted[/i] EXP Gain: +4[/color][/center]