[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5r7OTIh.png[/img] [b][color=Aquamarine]wordcount:[/color][/b] 938 (+6) ( -5) [b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 7[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]/////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color]//////////////////////// (49/70) [b][color=Aquamarine]Location:[/color][/b] Sandswept Sky - all the way down the mountain and back to the train [/center] [color=Aquamarine]”That should be far enough”[/color] Midna said to herself, and in a sense also to the soaring titan, after a harrowingly rough and blind ride away from the bell. She cut off the sand flowing from the twilight realm that was veiling the world around them and brought back the clear blue skies of the Sandswept Sky, revealing them to be slowly sinking down towards the cloudlayer and the cold winds below, and that they were not alone. [color=Aquamarine]”I’ve still got this Sec!”[/color] she yelled at the bee queen who had followed after them, even as the titan also caught sight of her and began to perform a slow arch in an ineffectual attempt to collide with the comparatively insect sized insect woman. [color=Aquamarine]”Oh no you don’t!”[/color] Midna shouted at it, as she slapped her chest with an open palm and drew out a friend-heart. She didn't even have to throw it, the wind catching it the moment it formed and dashing the pink bundle of power into the titan’s forehead a heartbeat later. [color=Aquamarine]”Ok, now comes the hard part”[/color] she said as she banished her blade and held up her hands and told it [color=Aquamarine]”See, not armed, not going to hurt you anymore. We just needed to rough you up a bit so we could free you see? Now you should be all healed up. Good as new and remembering wherever you were from.”[/color] Not entirely sure if her words where being understood, the princes lowered herself down and along the colossus’ horn and awkwardly pet it on the head while insisting [color=Aquamarine]”no need to fight or anything, we’re friends now”[/color] She was about to tell it that it could simply leave when, below, the great bell rang out a single note that shook heaven and earth. [color=Aquamarine]”Guess they went and rang it huh? Wait what?”[/color] Midna asked in confusion as the bell somehow kept ringing, over and over and over again, which as Midna tried to picture the physics of the situation, did not seem like it would be a safe thing to be in the middle of. [color=Aquamarine]”I was going to say goodbye and leave you be, but I think my friends need help. So could you help me out, just this once?”[/color] Midna asked as she gazed into the nameless colossus’ eye, searching for understanding. When the titan came swooping to the rescue, it came bearing Midna sat into the slightly saddle shaped grove in its neck, the princess gripping its neck ridge and directing it as best she could as they swooped down through the swarm of bat things and thunderous noise of the clanging bell, that was shaking everything apart. She hoped the old guy had gotten clear or got grabbed by someone as she waved with her shadowhand for them to come aboard her new friend, the princess looking just a tiny bit smug about being right about the sky snake’s true disposition while coming to their rescue. There were only a few seconds available to get aboard the swooping beast, but the heroes were no slouches and so all were aboard before it soared back up into the sky. Once up there they could look down below, and see the true boss revealed. At first it was unclear what the giant thing they had dislodged from the mountain using the ringing of the bell actually was, but as they dived after it it revealed itself to be… Another giant worm. [color=Aquamarine]”Huh. You really made a good decoy for that thing huh? No offense.”[/color] she told the peaceful sky wyrm as they burst through the bottom of the cloud layer before adding [color=Aquamarine]”If this isn’t some kind of double decoy anyway”[/color] as the others immediately decided it had to die. Midna at first couldn’t tell much about it other than it was big but once she’d gotten a better look at it, the giant maw sporting thing certainly seemed like it would be dangerous by nature, contrasting it with the entirely harmless looking and acting sky titan, which would have been reason enough to take it down if the uniquely blood red fire in its eyes didn’t apparently mark it as a guardian that was. Midna was however entirely in agreement with not using their sky worm to fight the dirt worm [color=Aquamarine]”Don’t worry, I won't put you in anymore danger, just drop us off and you can go back to soaring through the skies and looking majestic while doing it like before”[/color] she told it, while using a shadowhand to wave down at the inhabitants of Tostarena Town to make sure said town wouldn't be a danger either. Last thing they needed was to spook someone down there into shooting at them. They swooped down low as they could safely go and then, after giving the colossus one last pet on the noggin, the princess tossed herself off of the titan, using her levitation to slow and control her fall till she hit the sand. Then a moment later she was riding through the town, racing on the back of her wolfos while removing her X-Naut uniform to prevent herself from being knocked out by heat stroke while wearing them. They blitzed through the crowd of onlookers and then into the shade of the town, at which point the princess simply vanished from sight as she dissolved into the shadows and blinked from one to another to reach the train. The princess hopped out of the shadows of the machine they were going to use to stop the threat they had technically unleashed, and then once aboard and staring at the railway gun realized that [color=Aquamarine]”I have no idea how this thing works!”[/color] before wracking her brains and deducing that [color=Aquamarine] Well it’s a big gun so it needs equally big bullets right? Do we even have those?”[/color] before going looking for said big shots. If that failed, well, she had the ammo synthesizer which might, [i]might[/i], produce a single shot. That would be better than nothing, but certainly not a solution, as would leave them all pulling a Razputin style plinking strategy for most of the fight. Either way, by the time the others had arrived, the princess would have found out if this plan was a dead end or not, and if it wasn't, she’d have shells on (shadow)hand to load under the guidance of an actual firearm’s expert.