[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/kxxtOHI.png[/img] Level 8 Sectonia (holding 2 level up) - (21/80) - [hider=Chaos Heart (Defense)] Sectonia has grown more accustomed to the power that Count Bleck could give her, unlocking the power bestowed upon him by the Chaos Heart, or at least, a part of it. Sectonia's Defense and resistance to Void based effects is greatly increased. Sectonia can place a defensive buff on herself or allies that reduces the damage they take and absorbs the damage they would take until it expires. If the buff is used on Sectonia herself, the effect is amplified. [/hider] [b]Location:[/b] Mountain Guardian [b]Word Count:[/b] less than 750 [/center] Well, at least Midna's gambit worked. Either way, in order to 'free' this creature they all still had to damage it quite heavily. But this large creature would be extremely useful once they all saw the real boss that spawned when those pillars were destroyed. It was MASSIVE, bursting through the peak of the mountain, but apparently not very nimble as it tumbled down the mountain. Down towards the towns they had visited on their way here. Sort of annoying, but they all could at least chase it with their new minion. unfortunitely Sectonia couldn't assist any of her allies that missed their chance to grab onto the phalanx as she needed to teleport in order to even keep up with the creature going at full speed down the mountain, the big creature rolling the whole way. Once they all reached the bottom, Sectonia could only laugh and say. [color=92278f]"So how long will this one take to kill?"[/color] seeing as all of her spells would hit that thing even with their weird patterns sometimes. The only big worry was the fact that it was near Tostarena town and would probably attack it if not distracted. Also it WAS quite large, so getting hit by it would not be great. But seeing that everyone was in agreement to attack this thing, Sectonia casted Haste on everyone, aiding those who wanted to go to the train and use its giant cannon to attack this thing. Meanwhile Sectonia herself threw barrage after barrage of Rings and Void globules at range. This thing was quite large, so it would take awhile to kill it, but at least she didn't have to worry much about accuracy with how large this thing was. At this time she felt she had a new power, gained from that spirit she had absorbed. Something that was much like her haste/slow spell, although she didn't know what it was exactly. Still seeing as it was a kind of 'buff', she used it on a hasted Tora, as he would probably be doing something foolhardy. The Nipon being surrounded by a very faint dark rainbow shield that would reduce the damage he took and absorb some of the damage he'd take.