[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5r7OTIh.png[/img] [b][color=Aquamarine]wordcount:[/color][/b] 938 (+6) ( -5) [b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 7[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]/////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color]//////////////////////// (49/70) [b][color=Aquamarine]Location:[/color][/b] Sandswept Sky - all the way down the mountain and back to the train [/center] [color=Aquamarine]”Yeah I know that!”[/color] Midna replied to Tora’s insistence that she leave the machinery to the professionals, having 100% not been close to trying to womanhandle the giant gun around once it was clear she had no idea how to get the damn thing running. Letting the furball take over immediately got dividends when the machine started talking to them and, conveniently, seemingly recognizing the kind of thing the big worm thing was: an Akrid. Specifically a category G one, though whatever that meant the princess could only guess. [color=Aquamarine]”Do you think the G stands for giant, or that there’s 6 smaller types?”[/color] she asked as the last of the gang came onboard and they set off, having missed the swarm of smaller ones that had assailed the bellringers that were probably A class. It then went on to insist they begin operating procedures, and unhelpfully not letting them know what those procedures were. Other than that one of them was called the ‘thermal charging procedure’ which it informed them would increase the firing speed but gave no hint as to how it would be done. Fortunately Tora had everything sussed out. Use the left and right control ‘stations’ for turning, some repair ‘panels’ for, presumably, repairing and a big slot they needed to mash the equally big shells into. Midna decided right there and then that she was not going to use this very moment to learn how to control machines and instead put herself on a task that she was suited for, despite it being a rather unregal one. [color=Aquamarine]”I can go grab a bunch of these ‘shells’, shove them into the twilight realm, and then bring them all up here in one go”[/color] Midna called out her role, namely ammo caddy, right before the thing they needed to kill informed them that it was done laying around and was now storming after them at a frightful speed, presumably because Sectonia and Razputin’s unfortunately mostly harmless shots had gotten its attention. [color=Aquamarine]”Better chasing after us than plowing through the town”[/color] she said, though with the way it was gaining on them that was something of a cold comfort. Baiting it away only worked if they could catch it in the jaws of a trap before it crunched that trap to pieces alongside the cheese after all, and with them being the cheese? Well it was time to get going. Not content with just tearing up the track after them, the titan spat out a swarm of flying things which came racing towards them, fearlessly diving through the hail of incoming fire to assail them. [color=Aquamarine]”I could use an escort! Fast!”[/color] Midna shouted as she moved to race down to the ammo wagon on wolfos back, shadowhand lashing out to slap down the first of the wave of flying creeps coming her way. The princess made it down to the ammo store in one piece, though how fast and how injury free that arrival was depended on the quality of her escort, should she get one at all. She darted inside the armory that she had not been able to get into before the others arrived and activated the automated systems, and found what she was looking for. Probably. The big heavy pointy things bristling in their racks certainly looked like they’d fit inside the slot of the gun up top. While technically it would be more efficient to grab everything in here to haul it up top all at once, time was off the essence because they needed a shot fired as soon as possible so that they didn't become worm food. So the princess raced through the armory room one door to the other, tapping the closest shells as she passed with a hand and vanishing a half dozen into the twilight realm (mostly cobalt, but one roar and wrath also got caught up in her lightning raid) before dashing out an opposite door and racing up and around the other side of the train from the one she’d descended. Her masterfully dexterous wolfos made quick work of the accent and so, in only a handful of moments, she was back up top. [color=Aquamarine]”Delivery for Tora and company”[/color] she announced, before sweeping her hand out in front of herself and portaling up her six pack of deadly shells, all standing point up, ripe and ready to be used to [color=Aquamarine]”blast that Akrid into soup!”[/color] or so she hoped.