[i][[DUE TO A HORRENDOUS, UNFORESEEN EVENT, A VERY DETAILED AND LENGTHY POST I WORKED ON FOR 2.7 WEEKS GOT DELETED - the post will be summarized below]][/i] - Jane’s date with Jared started off very sweet. He found an Indian cafe to get her favorite tea, they rode around on their long boards, and would be heading to dinner shortly at the restaurant they would frequent together when Jared was in town. - They stopped at his airbnb for them to cool off and freshen up before dinner, but Jane and Jared began to kiss, and she stopped things from going further and reiterated that she promised herself to only go there again with someone if she was in a committed relationship. - Jared explained that they’d been “basically dating” for the past 15 years. When Jane pointed out that they hadn’t seen each other in 5 years and that being his girlfriend only in this area code didn’t equate to the relationship she wanted, Jared argued that she ran away from everyone and all her problems when she moved up north and dropped off the grid. - After they continue back and forth, Jane said she needed to leave when she felt anxiety coming on - realizing that she felt like as the argument continued that she was projecting about her feelings for Rob - she went to grab her belongings, but before she could go, Jared held the end of her board, asking her to rethink her need for commitment, and to remember all the good times they’d had in the past. - As soon as his grip loosened, Jane bolted down the hall and stairwell and immediately began to skate down the strip. If she came home too early, the guys would know something was wrong [or worse, she’d go running to Rob], but if she stayed downtown by herself, she worried she would have wound up at a bar. Jane also blocked Jared’s number after the second time he called. She’d been practicing riding the longboard again at the house and figured she was back to her skill level from her twenties. - A car opened their door in the road, and Jane - with tears in her eyes and not paying enough attention - clipped it and caught air before tumbling in the road. Her only memories of the incident itself were her laying in the road as traffic honked around her. Witnesses provided details. - Austin came to pick her up from the hospital. Jane is was pain medication, and Austin was put in charge of dispensing them to her appropriately with no contest from her. - With a large lump on her head, a scrape on her cheek and gash on her brow bone, and a sprained ankle, Austin helped her into bed and propped her crutches up next to bed. - During the middle of the night in a haze, Jane stumbled to the kitchen for water and back to bed. - In the morning, Jane thought she was having a dream in bed with Rob, which wasn’t too unusual for her. She turned in and cuddled him, he embraced her in his sleep, but it only took a few seconds to realize it wasn’t a dream at all and that she must have gone into Robs room by mistake. - As she sneaked out of the room, Austin was leaving his across the hall, and his jaw dropped. Jane motioned to him, begging him to stay silent and help her back to her bed. Once in her room, Jane explained that she didn’t know how she got there and that she just must have been too hazy from the medication to remember. Austin, not fully believing her, explained that due to her accident, a radio interview with the entire band and Jane’s solo interview on a podcast was rescheduled for the next week instead. There was no recollection of the interviews scheduled, and upon Austin catching on, he berated Jane for putting the band last in her priorities since they got there. - Jane, realizing that he was right, nodded and told him that she would focus on just the band, instead of her normal defense mechanisms. After Austin left the room (and some tears), Jane decided that she needed to put all her messy feelings aside and do what she came there to do. She received a second chance, and she wasn’t going to let it go to waste. - Embarrassed of the possibility of Rob knowing she was in his bed, Jane decided she’d stay holed away in her room resting until it was time for them to write around 5:00 later that day.