[center][color=FF8C00][img]https://i.imgur.com/1MvGTuH.png[/img] RANK 3 23/30 EXP [b]Sandswept Sky - BOSS FIGHT[/b][/color][/center] Raz's blasts didn't seem to even register on the huge monster, the reason why becoming pretty clear to him: it's huge. A startling revelation to be sure. He still argued when Sectonia decided to cut their losses, scooping him up from the ground to head towards the train. "But what about the--" Raz, dangling in Sectonia's grip, cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted to the spectators, "Hey! Get to safety! Find a basement or somewhere to hide, this thing is dangerous!" It might not have needed saying but he couldn't just leave it be. It wouldn't have felt right to leave the civilians to fend for themselves. Turns out that it wasn't that much of an issue, though; whether it was because of their tag-team effort in distracting it, some force of Galeem compelling it towards the Seekers, or simply an animalistic mind chasing the fastest thing, Red Eye went after the train as soon as it collected itself. Raz was going to take credit because it was [i]obviously[/i] thanks to him and Sectonia. Definitely. The two landed on the train just in time to catch the Railway Gun's explanation. And, as it happened, right when Raiden had climbed aboard too. Raz wasn't there for more than a minute before the sword-wielding cyborg (side note, this world was kind of awesome) addressed him. "I can take care of myself!" Raz shot back. ""This isn't the [i]first[/i] giant destructive monster I've had to deal with!" A part of Raz wasn't sure about putting all their eggs in the same basket, with everyone focused on operating the gun with no apparent backup plan if it wasn't effective or broke or whatever else could happen. He didn't voice the concern, partly because he didn't have a better plan of his own, but mostly because the giant death-mouth was right on their tail by that point. "I got the charge station!" Raz shouted, hurrying to his button. As he primed himself to mash, Red Eye decided the stakes weren't high enough and... for lack of a better word, 'burped' up a whole swarm of those kite-like creatures that came from the mountain bell. "Two can play at that game!" Raz turned from his button, manifesting his TK hand to mash in his place, and rushed forward. Adopting his [i]psychic stance[/i] Raz peppered the swarming trilobites with psi-blasts, aiming specifically for the ones that were closing in on the gun's platform and threatening the other onboard. "I mean! I'm not really! Playing the same game here! But, I think you get it!"[hr][center][color=ff8c00]Word Count: 432 [i]Boosted[/i] EXP Gain: +2[/color][/center]