[b][h2][center][color=8882be]Captain Marvel[/color][/center][/h2][/b] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c1930414-6408-4497-83e7-5167bb95a7d6.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [color=a187be]"I guess I'll fly with all of you this time, just to fully get briefed."[/color] she sighed and nodded her head, looking around at the group in the room before her eyes set on Jim, the corner of her mouth turning up slightly. [color=a187be]"Are you ready for this. Cap really has his hands full if it's Hydra."[/color] she shrugged and looked towards the door where everyone was beginning to make an exit towards the Quinjet. Adjusting her familiar leather jacket, Carol walked towards the door and eventually entered the jet, taking a seat near the back and crossing her legs casually, not wanting to seem too interested in the mission at hand. But come on- Hydra? Something finally interesting happening on Earth that she was called in to help with? How could she deny the call? She overheard a conversation by two of the younger in their rag tag group of heroes and arched a brow, and amused smile displayed on her lips. [color=8882be]"Did I really just hear you say this was better than juvie?"[/color] she inquired, tilting her head towards them slightly. "How many missions have you actually been on?" she asked them, curious about these two kids that Cap called in to help. If he saw something in them, then that made sense why he called them in. He must've needed every hand on deck that he could manage... [hr] Interactions: [@Crimson Flame] [@Martian]