[h2][center]Geralt of Rivia[/center][/h2] [center]Carcass Isle- Where All Things Must Come -> Smash City: Alcamoth[/center] [center]Lvl 9 (38/90) +30 XP Fight Reward -> Lvl 9 (70/90) [/center] [center]Word Count: 954 words[/center] Sleep came quickly once Geralt was in bed. It was a heavier sleep than he often got, though he'd spent much of his time the past months on the road, preparing a war, among other activities that didn't lend to sleeping deeply or soundly. Sadly, his favorite activity that interfered with sleep had not been, and still was not, on the menu. Yennefer woke before Geralt, slipping free from the bed with a sorceress's ethereal grace and quickly clothing herself before setting about cleaning the armor he'd left for her magically. It was a simple task, thankfully, although the strange window over his chest confounded her somewhat. She'd have to make him get that fixed, or find something to cover the gap. He'd do it himself, to be sure, but a reminder wouldn't hurt. It didn't hurt that this gave her the opportunity to joke about how impractical it was. He and his Witcher friends ever did go on about how important it was to keep practicality in mind whenever choosing their gear. As the task at hand finished, Yen set about procuring breakfast for the pair. Some sliced fruit for herself, and an omelet with bacon for Geralt. Between his now-thinned physique and the unholy sounds his stomach had been making, she knew he could use something heavier. And if he wanted more to eat, he could get it himself. It wasn't much longer before the man stirred, sitting up with a yawn and looking over to see a plate of food on a small table and Yennefer sitting in a chair, one leg over the other and a half-content look on her face. "I'm just glad you don't toss about in your sleep. If you'd pricked me with that horn of yours, I'd have thrown you from the bed." Raising an eyebrow in response at her choice of words, Geralt got up and took the plate from the table without a word. He had a feeling she wasn't quite up to his "juvenile wit" given his late return. Ravenously tearing through the omelet, Geralt sighed in relief when he finished, before frowning. "Damn, still hungry..." He complained, looking up at Yennefer. "All you thought to bring up for me?" Oh, that was the wrong thing to say, he realized at the look on her face. The pit in his stomach demanded it, however. "Yes, you're quite welcome Geralt. I wasn't quite in the mood to carry a ten-pound tray of whatever pleased you after you interrupted my sleep last night." Rolling his eyes, Geralt started putting on an outfit that had been laid out at some point for him, his stomach still the only thing he could think to give any care to. "Came back when we were done, is all. I'll go and get something else, then." He didn't respond to Yennefer's silence, making his way to the door. "I'll be back once I've eaten a bit more." He curtly reported, opening the door. Only to be faced with a bipedal dog holding a letter. "Ah, Mister Geralt!" Isabelle greeted, peeking into the apartment before realizing she might see something she regretted when she remembered the Witcher's relation to the apartment's official resident. "I'm sorry if I interrupted anything, I can come back, it's just that I have a letter for you!" The poor thing seemed torn between running and fulfilling her business, but she visibly relaxed when Yennefer appeared at the door fully clothed. "Ah, Isabelle, good morning. I didn't see you this morning for breakfast. A letter, you say?" Yennefer plucked the envelope from her paw, easily breaking the seal and retrieving the letter. Isabelle looked between the two nervously, sensing the unhappy energy they were giving off, and gave a nervous smile. "It seems you've been invited to a party, Geralt. At a beach, no less. They'll have food all day, and plenty of alcohol, it seems. I suppose we'll have to get you into something fitting for the beach, then. I'm sure they have something here for you. I already have something, thankfully." Grunting, Geralt nodded. "Don't suppose the others would ignore that. Alright. After I get something else to eat. I don't know how long it's been since I ate anything that wasn't that omelet you got me. We were captured for a while, in some kind of cursed or enchanted ship. Feels like I've been without food for days." Sighing, Yennefer waved him off. "Yes, Geralt. When you get back, we'll get you looking presentable in something that won't leave you sweltering." [hr] And she'd done just that. Unfortunately, owing to Geralt's tall but slim size, they didn't exactly have the luxury of choice with the outfit they'd gotten. A pair of plain blue swim trunks and a two-sizes-too-large button-up t-shirt in a floral pattern covered his scarred, lithe body as the two arrived at Karin's beach party. Yennefer herself was wearing a white sundress with a much more subtle floral pattern than Geralt's shirt, with a two-piece swimsuit underneath that. Her arm around Geralt's as they approached the relaxing Seekers, Yennefer greeted them with a combination of familiarity and politeness that Kamek might recognize from a diplomat. "Hello there! Geralt tells me you're the ones he's been traveling about with, hunting down Galeem's guardians? I fear we've not been introduced. Yennefer of Vengerberg." Nodding, and in a much better mood thanks to having eaten properly, Geralt continued. "She wanted to come along and meet you all. We've been busy, so relaxing like this...it's nice." "Ever the wordsmith." Yennefer chuckled. "It's simply wonderful, Geralt! We [i]must[/i] thank Miss Karin for her generous invitation! Would you perhaps be able to point us in her direction?"