[center][h1]Jed Connors[/h1][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/suGnM9I.jpg[/img][/center] [b]DESCRIPTION[/b] Jed Connors is a 29 year old white male, standing six feet tall and weighing 145 pounds. He has dark brown hair and a rough beard. His skin is sun-kissed and has dark green eyes. [b]PERSONALITY[/b] Jed is prejudiced against nonwhites, but also against poor whites, despite being a poor white himself. His slave-owning family lost their wealth and influence after the American Civil War, which explains his dislike of Northerners. Jed is driven by the ideas of 'Southern honor and chivalry', and seeks to restore his family's wealth and influence. [b]BELONGINGS[/b] Jed carries a twin set of Colt revolvers, his weapons of choice. He also wears a crucifix around his neck, although it does not possess any special traits at the moment. He is typically seen wearing a duster coat and hat. [b]SKILLS/ABILITIES[/b] Jed is a proficient marksman with his revolvers. He is also well-connected with the white population in the county, which helps extract information from them. [b]BACKGROUND[/b] The Connor's were originally Protestant immigrants from Ulster, Ireland who procured land in America shortly after the Louisiana Purchase. With the help of slave-labor the Connor's hauled bales of cotton to the ports in New Orleans. Over time they managed to obtain more land and more slaves. Their wealth and large estate cemented their social status in the rural Louisiana countryside. They became staunch supporters of the Democratic party and quickly sided with the Confederacy in 1860. Jed's uncles and cousins joined the Confederate Army to protect the livelihood, wealth, and influence of the family. As Connor's father was the oldest son of the clan he remained on the plantation to attend to its affairs and never saw actual combat. The plantation was untouched by the war, but the destruction wrought on the family and the abolition of slavery ensured the fall of the Connors. Jed's father and mother continued to live on the plantation, but never managed to retain their wealth or social status. The Connors plantation fell into disrepair and the fields were overtaken with weeds. Eventually the Connors sold the property to the bank and moved into the city, where Jed spent his adolescence. Jed had always been an excellent shot with his uncle's revolvers, who had been killed during the war. He had joined a number of posses in the county on manhunts, including some less-than-good-intentioned manhunts. Now, Jed hangs around Zollie's Retreat, taking up offers to hunt for man and beast alike in the swamps.