[b]Orc Contact[/b] "Your statement is acknowledged. Searching database." There is a slight pause as the database of the EA is searched for any former contact with ships of the design just encountered, when none was found, the message continues. "This has been noted as the first contact between out peoples." Says another voice, this time much more friendly. "It is an honor. I am Hakeshi Tares, the diplomatic officer for this fleet." She begins. "If you wish, we can have a diplomatic meeting on either of our ships. We are always happy to learn about new cultures, and it may be possible to negotiate territorial trade if you want to set up colonies. We use this area only for the intergalactic gate, which will soon see little action as the war has been won." [b]Sazkarjhit Diplomacy[/b] "Wonderful! Krasnikov Tubes will be laid down soon, I have alerted the crews through my neural link. It is my hope that this alliance allows both our people to prosper."