[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211121/b95fffd2da3c0475ff2a5e11917dcf4b.png[/img] [Color=#67a4e0]Level:[/color] 2 [Color=#e607f8]Experience:[/color] 7/20 [Color=#e607f8]Currently In:[/color] Snowdin, Heading out. [Color=#67a4e0]Word Count:[/color] 266 (+1 Exp) [i][color=skyblue]Albedo[/color] [@Lugubrious], [color=forestgreen]Linkle[/color] [@Gentlemanvaultboy], [color=b34141]Papyrus[/color] [@Dark Cloud][/i] [color=67a4e0]"Hm?"[/color] Their eyebrows rose once Linkle pointed out the trumbone. [color=67a4e0]"Not mine. Thought a friend might want it. I do play a bit of piano though."[/color] Frisk explained. The three of them headed back inside to say goodbye to Treat, Nia, and Dromarch. Guess the former finally decided where to stay. The child had hope things will get better for her. Then Nia asked Albedo if his dog had a name. It didn't? Well, it didn't seem that odd. Must be a stray. Linkle suggested Doge, which earned a quick chuckle from Frisk, but the chalk prince already decided a name. Soil. ...They could work with that, in all honesty. With that, Frisk silently waved goodbye to the animal and animal girls, and stepped out after Linkle. As they left, Albedo revealed that they were in a sort of crossroads. Apparently the skullgirl was looking for some hooded dude. Either they'd have to stay in town for a bit longer to find him, or push it aside for now and head out. Luckily it seemed she had an idea to kill two birds with one stone. Then there was catching Frisk and Papyrus up to speed with what the other duo was up to, she turned that into a challenge. A friendly spar, to see what they could do. [color=67a4e0]"A fight, huh...?"[/color] Frisk mumbled, resting their gloved hand under their chin as they thought. They didn't see themself as a fighter, but then again, this was an opportunity to get [i]both[/i] information and some rust off their own prowess. So, they nodded. [color=67a4e0]"Alright. I'll go first."[/color]