[center][h1][color=Firebrick]Q-T Brackman[/color][/h1][/center] [color=Firebrick]”Cool. I mean. Thanks captain”[/color] QT replied to being able to speak for herself. Not that she had expected to be denied, but it was best to check these things. Keep the command structure in order and all that. While the captain talked the bot messaged away in the background and, between her, Neilsy and the now unneeded cavalry’s leader Riley, they set a less breakneck pace for their arrival while also orchestrating a way to get a reliable translator box signal as they traveled. This they achieved by first hooking up the box to every signal device they had in the convoy, and then spreading its component vehicles out a fair bit, to try and ensure that there’d always be someone with a direct unobstructed line to her. This meant that she was able to feed some of the other languages being used into it for it to process away. While it was at that, she got around to answering the questions she had been asked about herself, as well as several others of the alchemist while she was at it. [color=Firebrick]”So, let me explain about myself. I am a Brackman type artificial intelligence, or Brackman AI for short. I was made the Brackman Foundation, an organization made up of other Brackman AI. They are basically my family, or my clan”[/color] she explained, simplifying the relationship a bit but ultimately speaking the truth. [color=Firebrick]”and yes, those are indeed artificially muscle fibers. These ones aren't actually that advanced even, compared to some of the stuff we can make, but they’re the most resilient kind, which is something I prioritized when commissioning my body. Space is the last palace you want to suffer a breakdown after all”[/color] she said, echoing an idiom of an astro-engineer she’d worked with at the start of her career. [color=Firebrick]”Oh um, as for what was meant by ‘wares’, I should clarify that we’re not here to sell anything. We’re explorers, and you, this, everything is, well it's historic I’ll say that much. And uh, yeah there does seem to be some usual similarities between your people and ours but, ah, maybe you could wait till we’re in a more sanitary environment? Also for some of our biologists to be about so they can, ah, also take part in the study. I’m sure they are gonna flip no matter what the result is”[/color] she said, taking it upon herself to try and ward off the idea that there would be any buying of off world tech or any impromptu blood donations, while also not lying about the biologists. There was no way they weren't going to request the same thing at some point, though possibly with a lot more tact. She had to admit, she was also fairly curious. Was it convergent evolution that had made humans on two worlds, or was there going to be yet more madness with them turning out to be genetically identical, she wondered. While she was speaking she passively fed every other conversation going on to the signal net hooked up to the translator, and while she didn't get enough from the muscled fellow or the fairy (who was added to the pile of impossibilities even as she gave him a smile, wave and a [color=Firebrick]”nice to meet you”[/color], because nothing that small should be able to have the brainpower for personhood), one of the adventurers who QT came to realize was not a fan of steampunk as she had unthinkingly assumed but was instead an artificial being chasing the human form (something the AI community considered a bit tasteless, though mostly in the sense that it was a presently outdated fashion sense), unintentionally provided plenty of data for the translation machine. Which led to some unintentional listening in on what had meant to be private on QT’s part. [color=Firebrick]”They, ah, seem to be a bit hung up on your age captain. Or at least An- the lady with black hair and gears is anyway”[/color] she explained, implicitly informing her that the translator was wiring away in the process, before offering to hook up the data link she had with it to whatever device the captain desired. Same went for the soldiers. Best get everyone hooked up with all they got translated as soon as possible, in her opinion, and if she had to do some onsite IT support to get it running, the bot was more than happy to do so.